
Wednesday, November 8, 2006

As if you needed a government commission to know that Robert Fisk's piece in The Independent (see: Israel's 'Secret Uranium Bomb' -- Robert Fisk's latest slander) was utter paranoid crap: UN: No IDF uranium bomb use in Lebanon:

...Steiner also said the UN team found no evidence of penetrators or metal made of depleted uranium or other radioactive material. The assessment appeared to counter some media reports that suggested uranium-based munitions had been used during the month long war that ended on Aug. 14.

”No depleted uranium shrapnel, or other radioactive residue was found. The analysis of all smear samples taken shows no depleted uranium, enriched uranium or higher than natural uranium content in the samples,” he said in a statement.

Steiner said the UN team collected samples from Sept. 30 to Oct. 21 with one group focusing on munitions during the conflicts. Several samples were taken to three independent laboratories in Europe for tests, the statement said...

Not that DU would have mattered -- Fisk's article went beyond that to "secret uranium bombs." Honest Reporting UK says The Independent is unrepentant.

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