
Monday, October 30, 2006

Leave it to Robert Fisk and The Independent to trip over themselves in spreading the revival of the blood libel in the West. Usually you'd have to translate from the Arabic to make this level of journalism available to an English speaking audience.

Honest Reporting UK has the story: Indie's Uranium Charges - Fisk finds Israel guilty before the full facts are released.

Over the years, Israel has been accused of many diabolical acts and condemned before the full evidence is presented. The Jenin "massacre" and Gaza Beach libels are but two examples. Now, the Independent of 28 October has run a front page exclusive by Robert Fisk alleging Israeli use of a "secret uranium bomb" in Lebanon during the recent war.

The charge is based on two soil samples showing "elevated radiation signatures". We are not experts in this field and perhaps those investigating will eventually find something to stain Israel's image. But unlike Fisk who rushes to judgement, even the Middle East director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has stated: "If uranium was in fact used we will find this out and make an announcement. We cannot confirm anything at this stage, and we will wait for the results."

Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mark Regev raises the issue of double standards in the way in which Israel is singled out: "The weapons we used in Lebanon have been used by NATO and Western countries for years. Sometimes it seems that when it comes to the Jewish State - it is decided to treat the matter differently. Someone has to ask why an accusatory finger is being pointed at Israel."...

Do you really need to ask why?


From the yid with lid blog:
No wonder Rabbi Sachs the Chief Rabbi of Israel has said that the Anti-Semitism in Britain is worse than at any other time since 1939. The British Media is constantly creating fiction portraying Jews as blood thirsty murderers. Last week it was a fictional TV drama, portraying Mossad agents as tying up a torturing Arabs. This week it’s a newspaper, which outside of England is not supposed to be fiction reporting that he IDF used semi nuclear weapons in Lebanon.

Norwegian media has been very clear about separating the term Israeli and Jew.

The term Israeli is nothing more than a person from Israel, as in Swede, Dane, Canadian, French, and so on.

Every time someone criticize Israels POLITICS, they are labeled anti-Semite.

Critique on Israels POLITICS are not criticizm against Jews. There are many Jews who do not like Israels politics. They are labeled self-hating-jews.

...btw, last time I checked jewism is a religion not a race.

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