
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Poor kids. You come out to protest a racist, genocidal land-stealer and someone comes out to co-opt your parade.

Brookline High School Students Repudiate Columbus Day

Brookline, Mass – The Tribal Community Alliance, a student organization at Brookline High School that works on raising awareness about indigenous rights, brought friends and supporters together to protest the Columbus Day holiday. Standing on Coolidge Corner with banners that read “Stop Celebrating Genocide” and “Support Indigenous People Day”, the protesters confronted what they say is a wrong account of history.

“I think 99% of what people think of Columbus is wrong,” said Emily McLaughlin, 16, a Brookline High School student. “He did not have great relations with Native Americans and he was definitely not a hero. He shouldn’t be celebrated.”

Emily herself became active in the Tribal Community Alliance when one of her best friends, Alicia Mucha, 16, found out about a year ago that she is part Native American. Alicia was raised as being half white, but in reality her father is black and her mother is African American, Cherokee, and Mohawk. The two friends began asking questions and became very interested in Native American struggles, culture, and history; things that they weren’t taught in school.

“I want for people to realize that where they live is where people were murdered, were raped, where families were torn apart. They don’t see that genocide happened right here. They think that it only happened in other countries,” said Alicia, now one of the lead organizers of Tribal Community Alliance. She said she tries very hard not to get upset during History class and to counteract common misconceptions that her classmates have about indigenous people’s struggles...

Cute kids. More pictures at the link. I wonder if any of them are "indigenous." Hey kids, do you know the shirt on your back, the cushy home you live in and every last bit of wealth and comfort you'll ever aquire in your life were and will be built on the back of genocide and plunder? Chilling isn't it? Better start getting used to it.

Rolde [file photo]

Oh, but that's not the real story here. No, no. The real laugher here is that these poor young idealists were met with an idealist (not so young) of their own. Local terror-supporting gadfly and until recently Green-Rainbow Party operative David Rolde arrived with his own sign against "genocidal racism." Skip to the comments:

Speaking of Genocide by Anitfa:

I heard that this entire thing packed up and left when some started carrying a Palestinian flag and could not be intimidated by the Indy media people there to put it away.

What is the message when the ENTIRE crowd leaves because some one has a sign that says...

"USA" and "Israel" are genocidal projects that must be shut down'

support using your brain by anonomous participant:

well...When someone brings a palestinian flag into a highschool in a town where almost 100% of people are Jewish, without taking into account that these are highschool students who probably have never been exposed to the palestinians' side of the story, without contacting the organizers, without trying to have a conversation with the attendees, without any relevant literature... without even so much as a simple explaination of how the struggle in Palestine completely connects with the genocide started by columbus (which it does).. what the hell do you expect!! And then to call them "racists little zionists"... That so called "palestinian rights activist" did more to promote zionism and blind hate for palestinians that anything else. Maybe next time he should think about his tactics, and try talking to people like fellow humans as opposed to being selfish, overly confrontational, and unflinching. Props to the organizers from Brookline high, I hope that said individual's actions does not deter them from learning about the struggles of the palestinian people, which are very similar to the struggles of native americans...

Oh, it goes on. Rolde is at least consistent isn't he? It's one thing to protest a guy who's been dead for 500 years, and quite another to actually try to set the clock back.

Update: This comment on the Indymedia piece, also emailed here, is too good not to post:

Preeminent psychoanalyst, Dr. Mortimer Ostow, author of the 1996 book, “Myth and Madness: The Psychodynamics of anti-Semitism,” tied anti-Semitism to early childhood experiences such as toilet training.

In the 1980s, Ostow led a group of psychologists in a study that examined the causes of anti-Semitism. Reviewing the case histories of patients, the group found that negative feelings toward Jews could be traced to early childhood..

They suggested that troubles in toilet training or an Oedipal rivalry, in which a son’s negative feelings toward his father could be projected onto Jews, could be the cause.

With David Rolde being an offspring of two psychiatrists with Harvard and McGill pedigrees (specializing in child psychology, to boot), he is a walking malpractice case for his parents medical practices in Weston, MA, a wealthy Boston suburb. With mommy and daddy's mansion and them picking up his bills, his sole occupation seems to run around Boston to look for any Jewish events. Note that both his kefyah (the blankie?) and the Palestinian flag could use a good wash.

Update 10/14: Indymedia deleted the comment. Ha!

1 Comment

Excuse me, this is ridiculous. I am the leader of this club, the tribal community alliance. I am blackfoot cherokee and mohawk. I think it is comletely out of line that when we try to simply raise awareness for something we get completely torn apart. You know nothing about our organization and therefore your words here are just nonsense.

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