
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

CAIR is smearing the Marines by literally making a federal (and international) case out of a dopey video of a US Marine (it appears) singing a dopey song called "Hadji Girl." I considered posting about this last night but held off -- why help publicize it -- but now that it's hit LGF on down, there's no reason for this little blog to hold back. PipelineNews has the low-down: Hadji Girl - CAIR Conducts Email Jihad Against Marines

The video itself has been pulled from where it was posted at YouTube, but not to worry, CAIR has continued to helpfully make it available on the front page of their web site -- they are, after all, only worried about America's image to the rest of the world...yeah right.

According to this CNN story (which is also helpfully entitled "Marines Corps investigates song about killing civilians" -- see the Pipeline article for how innocuous the song actually is), the Marine Corp is investigating -- I suppose they have to. I love you military guys, but really, you gots to be more careful about what you guys post on the internet...yeesh. The enemy is watching, and they'll twist anything for their nefarious purposes.

Expect Nihad Awad to go on a tour of the Arab world any moment to start drumming up outrage when he doesn't get the response he wants.

Update: Charles has a round-up of links showing how the press has simply held a megaphone to CAIR's press release (and yes, he has the video).

Looks like Nihad won't need to travel out of the country. Our press is going to do it's best on his behalf.


God forbid anyone who has been shot at by militant assholes for the last year actually make fun of them!


It is a little insensitive, so I don't fault CAIR for being a little upset, but I do blame the media for covering it in the first place. It's just one song from one guy. Insensitive sure, but overall, no big deal.

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