
Thursday, June 8, 2006

The National Middle Eastern Presbyterian Caucus has weighed-in to the Commissioners of the next PC(USA) General Assembly in a rather predictable manner. No link, but they attempt to take a measured tone -- you know, drawing equivalencies between the violence of the cops, and the violence of the criminals by opposing "all" violence and all that...

First, we find it necessary to briefly comment on the roots of, and the tragedy that has become, the Israeli-Arab conflict. We recognize, with great distress and grief, the horrific suffering of the Jewish people over the past two millennia (particularly in Europe at the hands of Christians), which wretchedly culminated in the Nazi persecution and Holocaust. Further, having been ourselves minorities in the Middle East, we are acutely aware of the discrimination suffered by Jews in the pre-World War II Middle East. We recognize the importance and legitimacy of the efforts to ensure an end to Jewish suffering after the Holocaust. Yet, we regret that the solution was implemented with little regard to the rights of resident Palestinian Muslims and Christians as the state of Israel was established in mandated Palestine. Given the development of events over the past few decades, however, we recognize the state of Israel as the expressed right of the Israeli people for self-determination. At the same time, and with equal conviction, we recognize the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, a right that has been given much lip service and little genuine support, a right that is yet to be officially recognized by the state of Israel, which has been created on Palestinian land and at Palestinian demise.

We condemn all forms of violence, be they terrorist activities or state-sponsored. We especially condemn attacks against civilians, Palestinians and Israelis, be they suicide bombings or indiscriminate military strikes. We condemn all forms of injustice, including destruction of homes, confiscation of property, illegal appropriation of territories, and the illegal occupation of Palestine...

You get the picture... They support divestment, of course. Where the piece gets rather laughable is where they try to show that really, they have legitimate Jewish support for their positions...

...Many Jewish organizations (such as Gush Shalom, Jewish Voice for Peace, Tikkun, Not in My Name, and European Jews for a Just Peace) as well as other Christian denominations and ecumenical bodies (including the World Council of Churches, as well as many American, European, and African denominations) agree that a carefully thought-out divestment process could have positive effect in persuading Israel to change policies toward the Palestinians that are contrary to international law, formal resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, and biblical principles of justice...

As my emailer points out, this is really weak stuff. It probably would have been better to leave this part out rather than to draw attention to the fact that divestment is supported only by the tiny minority of extremists represented by the groups named above, as opposed to the bulk of the mainstream Jewish groups who stand against divestment.

Further, the letter is signed by Rev. Fahed Abu-Akel, who's own background contains some disturbing incidents, notably with his invitation of a rabid anti-Semite to give a college speech. See: The Layman: PCUSA's choice of anti-Semitic speaker prompts college apology, as well as Former PC(USA) moderator slanders, dodges, and Presbyterian anti-Semitism and Responses.

1 Comment

targeted vs. indiscriminate

The National Middle Eastern Presbyterian Caucus (NMEPC) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) condemned the Israel Defense forces for "indiscriminate military strikes.”

I would be very interested, and, frankly, extremely surprised if the NMEPC could give an example of a single IDF strike that was "indiscriminate." IDF strikes are never indiscriminate, they are targeted to take out terrorists and terrorist infrastructure, just as Arab "suicide bombings," which the NMEPC condemns, are targeted to slaughter civilians.

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