
Saturday, May 13, 2006

It's almost not worth reporting...a dog bites man story -- Noam Chomsky meeting with terrorists and praising them over the United States. Yet I think it's worth getting on the record. LGF is noting Chomsky's latest field-trip to Lebanon by the despicable professor from MIT while also noting the MSM's continuing refusal to note what Noam Chomsky really is when they report on him at all.

Chomsky Supports Hizballah

One may protest that the source is Al-Manar itself, and this perhaps suspect, but for those familiar with him, the quotes are pure Chomsky:

I think Nasrallah has a reasoned argument and persuasive argument that they should be in the hands of Hezbollah (the arms) as a deterrent to potential aggression, and there is plenty of background reasons for that. So until, I think his position reporting it correctly and it seems to me reasonable position, is that until there is a general political settlement in the region, the threat of aggression and violence is reduced or eliminated there has to be a deterrent, and the Lebanese army can’t be a deterrent.

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Horowitz and Laksin address Chomsky's latest foray into Hizballahville (previous story here): Rarely has the world been afforded such a clear glimpse into the unholy alliance between Islamic extremists and... Read More


A sad pathetic old man.

Chomsky is despicable, no doubt, but in the eyes of the MSM, he is a "passionate and articulate" critic of U.S. policy. The fact that he's an anti-Semitic self-hating Jew bothers them not in the least.

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