
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

You may remember this story, Presbyterian Campground to Host Jihad Camp, and the follow-up in the press discussed in my post Puff piece on the MAS in which we examine the inability of St. Petersburg Times reporter S.I. Rosenbaum to ask serious questions, or indeed, any questions, of Muslim American Society member Chantal Carnes -- previously quoted elsewhere praising the Muslim Brotherhood and Hassan al-Banna.

Well S.I. Rosenbaum is back, and still not asking inconvenient questions of people who are members of terror-group spin-offs. Instead, she's attacking the real enemies of American freedom -- bloggers:

Are bloggers against hate, or feeding it? - Blogs dedicated to protecting America against terrorism are troubling the Muslim community.

Robert Spencer, named in the article, has a lengthy response, here: A notch above child molester, as does the blog Western Resistance, here: Florida: Response to S.I. Rosenbaum's Article in the St. Petersburg Times

Here's a web site Rosenbaum may be interested in taking a look at. In the article, Iran Notches Up Anti-Israel Campaign:

...Ahmadinejad already called the Nazis' World War II slaughter of European Jews a "myth" and said the Jewish state should be wiped off the map or moved to Germany or the United States.

Those remarks prompted a global outpouring of condemnation, and it wasn't clear who would be willing to attend an Iranian-sponsored Holocaust conference.

Late last year, however, the leader of Egypt's main Islamic opposition group joined Ahmadinejad in characterizing the Holocaust as a "myth" and lambasted Western governments for criticizing those who dispute the Jewish genocide happened.

"Western democracies have slammed all those who don't see eye to eye with the Zionists regarding the myth of the Holocaust," Muslim Brotherhood chief Mohammed Mahdi Akef wrote on the group's Web site...

Now personally, I'd like some questions asked of people who think the Muslim Brotherhood is a-OK, but then, maybe Mr. Akef isn't considered a blogger, so his hate isn't noteworthy.

Update: Truth in Love reports that PC(USA) officialdom is doing the same "head in the sand" act through the Presbyterian News Service: Circling the Cedarkirk Wagons Will Spotts ends up asking himself a disturbing question:

...One other disturbing possibility presents itself. Perhaps my questioning the appropriateness of a Presbyterian Camp as the venue for an event organized by a group that praises the Muslim Brotherhood is misplaced. Given the number of Presbyterians – an executive presbyter, members of the ACSWP, and others – who have openly praised Hezbollah, and given the rationale for such occurrence offered in the Alexa Smith story above, perhaps. . . just perhaps a Presbyterian camp really is an appropriate venue after all.

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