
Friday, December 30, 2005

[Update: From Larry at Truth in Love: "I have received word that Cedarkirk has been closed to all activities for this weekend. Each of our presbyteries now has an opportunity to fully understand the mission of the Muslim American Society." Good news.]

A campground operated by two PC(USA) churches in Bradenton and Tampa Bay, Florida will be hosting a "camp" sponsored by the Muslim American Society (MAS) over the New Year. [Corrected to clarify who's doing the hosting.]

As Joe Kaufman explains, among the speakers will be a Hamas supporter and a Muslim Brotherhood admirer: A New Year's Jihad Retreat. You can also see Joe debating the issue on FOX here (only works in IE).

For more info on the MAS and their connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, see Daveed Gartenstein-Ross's article here: What the Muslim American Society Reads

The PC(USA) Elders over at the Truth in Love blog are on the case with posts here and here, including an exchange with the "Moderator-elect" (head honcho) of the Peace River Presbytery -- one of the groups responsible for the site.

For the record, Peace River is one of the PC(USA) Presbyteries that moved to rescind the divestment resolution, so there's a measure, in the words of Truth in Love contributor Will Spotts, of 'the right hand not knowing what the left is doing.'

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