
Monday, October 24, 2005

Many are pointing out Matthias Kuntzel's catch of no small amount of hard-core antisemitic literature on sale in Iran's booth at Frankfurt Germany's International Book Fair -- all of which, as David Kaspar points out, is highly illegal according to German hate laws.

In his report, "Zombie" observes:

Is Germany, by blindly adhering to a universal tolerance of all views, unwittingly opening itself up again to a new wave of anti-Semitism -- the very thing that their ultra-tolerant society was created to ensure would never happen again?

Yes, but I think it's worse than that. I think many Germans, and many Europeans generally, are living vicariously through the Iranians and their like. Through them, they can say the things their society doesn't allow them to say themselves -- the socially unacceptable things, maybe even illegal things. Turning in the hate-purveyors at the book fair would ruin the fantasy.

So they turn a blind eye to the sellers of the books, and they fund 'the other's' films.


Solomon you may want to improve on this post with better constructed analysis and more links to events spoken of.

I don't really see a need to duplicate info that's already on several other web sites. That's what the links are for. ?

I agree with Solomon here. This isn't a news site like The New Republic's or The Nation's. As I understand blogging, it's not a matter of comprehensive, authoritative news reports and analyses. What you get is the blogger's take on the issues, his or her personal feelings as those feelings evolve. That's what I think we readers are looking for, anyway.

What are you talking about? You don't put up posts ever and give hat tips to someone else who fist posted it elsewhere? I was asking for your help on the post is all. You are better at it than me. If you post it it will get more attention as well.

If necessary I guess, I will remove mine.

Ahhh, I thought you were criticizing *my* post. You know, the one this comment thread is in? I didn't think you were asking me to impove on YOUR post. Well, it occured to me for moment, but then I read your post and it seemed to have plenty of meat on it already.

So perhaps tomorrow repost it here with your take, comments and links which could include some of mine?

I just did a little riff on it (as I'm sure you've seen now).

Yup saw it thanks.
Still no post from even Geras on the UK school books?
How about Merry or Lynn?

The organizers of the book fair have notified the authorities by now

Sorry, no English language link yet.

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