
Monday, October 24, 2005

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're aware of the UN report implicating the Syrian regime in the death of Rafik Hariri (link goes to the unaltered version -- according to the Times of London as quoted at BoTW: " tracking showed that the final edit began at about 11.38am on Thursday--a minute after Herr Mehlis began a meeting with Mr Annan to present his report. The names of Maher al-Assad, General Shawkat and the others were apparently removed at 11.55am, after the meeting ended.").

Today, of course, like the good drones of a Stalinist state they are, "hundreds of thousands" marched in the streets in support of their dictator.

Now, if Syria were a Free society, would hundreds of thousands have marched to support Assad, or would Assad already be out of power and Syria on its way to more normal relations with its neighbors?

1 Comment

The last rosy sentence is just that.
He may be out of power, but what would replace his ouster is likely sectarian chaos and then another thug regime right afterwards... likely with the help of our CIA in getting a 'friendly strong man' in.

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