
Tuesday, September 6, 2005

A quote from The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies:

"Outsiders do not seem to recognize that bin Laden is one of the pre-eminent heroes of Afghans, occupying a role similar to the Marquis de Lafayette, a Frenchman who fought at the side of the Colonials during America's Revolutionary War."
(08/01/2001) Paul Findley, Former Member of Congress from Illinois

You might remember Paul Findley. We last saw the President of his group, Council for the National Interest, Eugene Bird, giving speeches on behalf of Cindy Sheehan's Crawford Peace House. (Where did she go, anyway?)

1 Comment

PF: "Outsiders do not seem to recognize that bin Laden is one of the pre-eminent heroes of Afghans, occupying a role similar to the Marquis de Lafayette, a Frenchman who fought at the side of the Colonials during America's Revolutionary War."

Wouldn't surprise me if Afghans did think of him that way - he did help them when they needed it. Wouldn't affect any New Yorker's decision to feed this guy feet-first into a wood chipper, though.

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