
Sunday, August 14, 2005

John Podhoretz is sounding warning bells about getting too far out on a limb with the Able Danger stuff:

We May Owe Them A Big Apology

A day or two ago, I posted a note of caution about the Able Danger scandal, and that note of caution has now turned into a full-fledged symphony -- and some of us on the Right who have been making a big stink about this may have been had.

The 9/11 Commission has put out a very detailed memo [warning: PDF] defending itself that basically says Rep. Curt Weldon and the unnamed Navy officers who have made a big stink about Able Danger are stretching it bigtime...

Read it all and remember that we should all know by now to take two or three or ten deep breaths before believing news that may be bit...too interesting to be true. Yes, the jury's still out, but that's all it is.

Update: But on the other hand, there's still this: DID THE BERGEN RECORD BREAK SOMETHING HERE?

1 Comment

What I want to know is if there is any connection between Jamie Gorelick and her time as Dept. of Defense General Counsel and the policy that is reported to have blocked the Atta information from being shared.

Podhoretz is usually pretty sharp, and of course caution is always warranted. But frankly, if it comes down to the word of Curt Weldon vs. the word of the 911 Commission staff, I'm going with Weldon.

As Vice Chair of both Armed Services and Homeland Security Committees, Weldon sure must know a thing or two the Clinton apologists on the 911 Committee staff would just as soon not discuss.

We shall see.

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