
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I haven't commented on this because it just seemed too obvious and aggravating. Anyone who spends any time reading military history or talking to veterans - or, more specifically trying to talk to veterans about their experiences knows it's like pulling teeth if that guy saw any combat. They just have trouble relating it and communicating their experiences to those of us who haven't seen the things they have. There's no way to explain it to us but this infamous video and the ensuing ruckus begins to explain why. Donald Sensing had a lengthy and interesting post up on the subject which I unfortunately can't find now.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,Than are dreamt of in your philosophy," and there are things that happen in war time that no law of war is ever going to cover to the letter and no every-day life moral context can really help us relate to enough to judge. You "have to have been there" to understand. So as far as this Marine's actions go - hey, whatever the US Marine Corps decides, I'm fine with that. Looks like the guy did the right thing to me. We don't have to wonder what the enemy would do to us, we've all seen the videos, and none of those terrorists are there to do their jobs and then go home to say "Would you like fries with that?" like our guys are. They're there to murder and terrorize and die in the process. They deserve to have at least a third of that wish granted.

I think the idea of embedded reporters is a good one, but it seems obvious that allowing photo and video releases without a vetting process is a bad idea.

Anyway, DO NOT MISS this post from former the former Navy Seal who writes at Froggy Ruminations:

Froggy Ruminations: They're Called Security Rounds:

Its a safety issue pure and simple. After assaulting through a target, put a security round in everybody's head. Sorry al-Reuters, there's no paddy wagon rolling around Fallujah picking up "prisoners" and offering them a hot cup a joe, falafel, and a blanket. There's no time to dick around in the target, you clear the space, dump the chumps, and Are Corpsman expected to treat wounded terrorists? Negative. Hey libs, worried about the defense budget? Well, it would be waste, fraud, and abuse for a Corpsman to spend one man minute or a battle dressing on a terrorist, its much cheaper to just spend the $.02 on a 5.56mm FMJ.

By the way, terrorists who chop off civilian's heads are not prisoners, they are carcasses...

Read the rest.

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