
Monday, February 9, 2004

Frontpage Mag's headline piece is by a guy who's "come around" on the War on Terror. He's got a little different story than some, as unlike myself, he's come in from the cold from the far Right, as opposed to many of us "9/11 Conservatives."

From hanging with the "anti-Zionists" at Counterpunch and to thinking that GWB is doing about the best that can be expected. Interesting story follows. This time told from the former paleo-Right.

Why I Left the Anti-War Right By Anthony Gancarski

If someone had told me a few months ago that I’d be writing a piece for Front Page on this theme, I would’ve dismissed him as a lunatic. After all, then I was supporting the positions expected from those on the so-called antiwar right. I was harshly critical of Israeli defense initiatives, more willing to talk up for Noam Chomsky than the sitting President, and insistent upon baiting “neo-conservative” Michael Ledeen of National Review into admitting that he sought to see the regime in Tehran overthrown by any means necessary, including US Military involvement.

I was as self-righteous in these positions as I was strident -- and why wouldn’t I be? Principled opposition to aggressive, preemptive wars, to me, seemed a position of deepest honor and true conservative principle. I saw valor in it -- the same sort I attributed to Patrick Buchanan when he opposed Desert Storm from what I saw at the time as a conservative perspective. That position seemed eminently principled and legitimate, leading me to work for the Buchanan 1992 Primary campaign when I was nineteen years old.

Despite this political involvement, I saw myself as a “creative writer”, and did what creative writers do. But on September 11, 2001 that changed...

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