
Monday, January 19, 2004

This LGF entry draws attention to some flack anti-Idiotarian actor John Rhys-Davies of Gimli the Dwarf (among many others) fame is predictably getting for his decidedly anti-Idiotarian remarks.

I heard Rhys-Davies interviewed on Michael Medved's radio show, and my impression of the man is that he sounded like the very picture of British Class. The man was measured in his remarks and absolutely refused to jump to any bait whatsoever to criticize his fellow stars - including decidedly pro-Idiotarian, Viggo Mortensen, for whom he had nothing but praise.

I find his response to the flap, contained in the article linked above, excellent, and so I've reproduced it below. Yes, Rhys-Davies' remarks can easily be mis-used by the race-baiters, and yet his words and their intent are nothing of the sort, so I also find his statement particularly appropriate for Martin Luther King's Day. In this day and age, when two of our most prominent "Civil Rights" leaders - Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson - seem more interested in perpetuating problems for their own gain and for whom everything is a product of racism, it never hurts to take a moment and listen to the voices of the clear-headed.

I BELIEVE in racial equality not racial discrimination. All I was commenting on was that there are cultural changes taking place in Europe that I consider to be unacceptable.

The fact that a minister of the French government has to fly to Cairo to talk with one of the religious heads in one of the mosques to get his approval for a ban on headscarves can be seen in two ways.

One, is how wonderfully culturally sensitive. The other, it seems to give an authority to a wholly unelected figure well outside Europe's jurisdiction.

I am really proud to be living in a society that accepts women as our equals, that accepts civilised discourse that allows people to hold different opinions without coming to any act of violence.

Here in America when that earthquake happened in Iran the reaction of everyone I knew was horror and dismay, the reaction of everyone when they heard that the old woman had been brought out alive long after they thought there was anyone there was absolute awe at the extraordinary capacity of the human spirit to survive. Contrast that with people jumping up and down and clapping at the 9/11 disaster in certain countries.

I don't think that Western society is opposed to Islamic society at all. I think a very important part of Islamic society is opposed to Western society.

It is time that ordinary Muslims stood up to be counted.

Most societies can benefit from a good stirring of genes, but most cultures are tolerant of each other. I do not see Buddhists throwing bombs into Christian churches, I do not see Christians blowing up Hindu temples, I do not see those sorts of challenges.

When we are prepared to overlook certain things because we don't want to rock the boat, this is wrong.

The greatest act of racism is to expect that other people will not behave according to your values and standards.

Yes, I am for dead, (traditional) white male culture. It's pretty damn good, pretty damn marvellous, pretty wonderful. That's not to exclude other cultures, but it's not to diminish mine.

I'm sorry that might be perceived as infringing some sort of racial taboo, it's certainly not intended to be a racial remark.

We are losing the ability to sit down and be able to have a tolerable argument.

I do not want to see a society where, should I ever have any, my granddaughters have their fingernails pulled out because they are wearing nail varnish.

I hope that my friends and relatives in Wales are not going to be shocked by what they are going to read about.

Do not brand me a racist because I am most certainly not.

But I will stand by this: Western Christianised Europe has values and experience that is worth defending.

1 Comment

I am Catholic and pray always for Muslims. I have read the koran and the hadith and the hamas charter and am horrified.mohammad made it plain and clear that it is the duty of all muslims to not sit at home by the fireplace but enter a jihad against all infidels(anyone not a muslim, especially christians and jews) and kill they wherever they find them. This is a command or else apparently allah will deal with them and they will not be rewarded. also all mothers, who in mohammad's opinion are only half as intelligent as any man, are ordered to teach there children in all seriousness these th ings from infancy.
In the hamas charter which is spiritual it appears and cannot ever be amended there is a sort of poem or whatever where trees call out and say something like" oh muslim come there is a jew hiding behind me. come and kill him."
If their divine mandate is carried out they will rule the world or as I see it cover the world in second darkness and all who are not muslim will become slaves and nothing better than beasts.
It is very alarming and i urge everyone to get a copy of the koran and read all the hadith and whatever else is available and see for yourself. for me i care deeply about the muslim but am very concerned and see immenent danger from their ideology.

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