
Monday, January 19, 2004

Busy taking the day off today, so blogging has been light. I've been away from the computer and away from the news and away from thinking about the news and issues and now that I'm back I have little desire to write about them. Well, I have the desire, just not Sometimes I get an issue stewing around in my head, in this case the incident with the Swedish "art" and the Israeli Ambassador, and I ponder doing a post on it, but until I do the piece, those thoughts have a tendency to block up the pipes and prevent anything else coming out. What's worse is that I may never getting around to writing about it at all, anyway.

Took the family out to do a little shopping - big excitement. We also stopped off and tried a local Thai restaurant. Damn good. I loves me Thai food. Calorie hell, though.

I've also done a little maintainance to the blogroll, it needs more, but I did add a couple of blogs and cull a few long-time (and not so long-time) non-reciprocators, as well as a couple more blogs that haven't been maintained in a long while (I would be happy to add them back if they go active again). If you have a blog that links to me and would like me to consider linking back, feel free to drop me a line. I tend to like blogs that have been around awhile, are updated fairly frequently, and have an ideological bent (if relevant) that's not objectionable. I consider the links a "feature" of the site, so I like them to be of value to my visitors.

Anyway, I went to Buck-a-Book and picked up a copy of the Ultimate Visual Dictionary and Laura Blumenfeld's, Revenge for short money. Added together with a couple of Christmas gifts in the form of Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel and Stephen Ambrose's D-Day and the couple dozen other books I have that I "need to get to" and I've got some real nice shelf fodder hanging out around here in my home office like a bunch of gargoyles keeping the evil spirits away. I hear if you actually manage to read them they become more powerful, though.

Oh, so the day's not a total bust, enjoy some optical illusions.
This one's cool, for instance.

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