
Sunday, February 21, 2010

I wanted to emphasize a few aspects of the J Street/CMEP (Churches for Middle East Peace) teamup, and do so in plain, direct English. (Previous posts: J Street Teams up With Leftist Christian Group to Cause Israel Diplomatic Trouble, J Street's Wheels Coming Off The Bus in Israel and 'Say Hello to My Leetle Friend').

First, the trip itself and J Street's part in it. To those who are blaming the Israeli Foreign Ministry for the diplomatic blowup, allow me to ask a few questions then present a conclusion...

Is J Street aware that they have some difficulty with the Israeli MFA? Yes. Did they know this before they planned a trip to Israel with a number of American legislators with what might be called an...attenuated...level of support for the Jewish State? Yes.

Knowing this, did they plan said meetings in advance to be sure that things would proceed with maximum of efficiency and to the benefit of Israel -- whose interests they are, at least nominally, supposed to value -- and the legislators involved. Apparently not.

If you were bringing some people to Israel to meet with Israeli officials and you knew the Israelis had some issues with you, might you not exercise some...sense? propriety? judgment? class? proper breeding?...and step aside at the first sign of friction? It's a simple thing. It goes like this, "Listen, the MFA has some issues with us, so at this point we're going to step aside and let your staff people handle the meetings. We'll give you the numbers to call to set things up and then we'll all meet up later."

That's what you would do isn't it? A simple thing. If, you were really a pro-Israel organization that is. In fact, J Street showed once again that their real priorities are J Street and Jeremy Ben-Ami personally (and not necessarily in that order). I mean, does Ben-Ami not know that the Israeli Foreign Ministry has enough things to worry about without J Street's help in finding new things to take up their time and make life even more interesting than it already is? This is the point Hillel was making in the post below. This was a despicable stunt aimed at aggrandizing J Street by trying to force themselves on an unwilling MFA at Israel's expense. J Street figured they'd be able to get in by glomming on to a Congressional delegation they thought the Israelis couldn't refuse. They didn't care the trouble they caused as long as it was good for them. Disgrace.

Now let's emphasize J Street's partner in crime, CMEP (see: J Street Teams up With Leftist Christian Group to Cause Israel Diplomatic Trouble). CMEP is a group that no serious "pro-Israel" group would partner with, and I want to emphasize an aspect that goes beyond simply disturbing -- the KAIROS document that CMEP is pushing. Harry's Place had an excellent post on this a few days ago. I highly recommend it: Palestinian Christians revoke 6th commandment. Here's a snip:

Just before Christmas, a ecumenical gathering of Palestinian Christians met in Bethlehem to launch the Kairos Palestine Document, which urges a boycott of Israel.

As option B, the document also approves "armed resistance" as carried out by "some political parties," clearly meaning Hamas and other terrorist groups. However, the document rejects the charge of terrorism, labelling armed attacks on Israelis as "legal resistance."

Such "resistance" has included a daily rain of rockets on the men, women and children of Sderot. It includes suicide bombings aboard buses and blowing up teenagers at a discotheque. It includes the assassination of parents and children in a pizza parlour and the mass murder of elderly Jews at a Passover Seder...[The rest.]

Here is the document [PDF], and here is a bit of the outrageous amongst the repugnant (emphasis mine):

...1.4 In the face of this reality, Israel justifies its actions as self-defence, including occupation, collective punishment and all other forms of reprisals against the Palestinians. In our opinion, this vision is a reversal of reality. Yes, there is Palestinian resistance to the occupation. However, if there were no occupation, there would be no resistance, no fear and no insecurity. This is our understanding of the situation. Therefore, we call on the Israelis to end the occupation. Then they will see a new world in which there is no fear, no threat but rather security, justice and peace.

1.5 The Palestinian response to this reality was diverse. Some responded through negotiations: that was the official position of the Palestinian Authority, but it did not advance the peace process. Some political parties followed the way of armed resistance. Israel used this as a pretext to accuse the Palestinians of being terrorists and was able to distort the real nature of the conflict, presenting it as an Israeli war against terror, rather than an Israeli occupation faced by Palestinian legal resistance aiming at ending it...

The Kairos document doesn't simply rehash the usual nonsense, that would be bad enough, it excuses terror as a legitimate, legal act!

Now again I ask, why would a supposedly pro-Israel group ally itself with an organization that not only pushes boycotts, divestment and sanctions, but actually justifies terror as legitimate and legal? There is no excuse.

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» J Street Lied, Israelis Died at the blog Solomonia

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