
Friday, February 19, 2010

[The following is crossposted from JStreetJive]

leetle friend.jpg

Like the skinny, coward who hires the intimidating bodyguard to hide around the corner, Jeremy Ben Ami continues his anti-Israel campaign - in Israel - secure in the knowledge that Barack Hussein Obama is the muscle around the corner. As BHO's fortunes go, so goes Ben Ami's. If Obama is down 20 points in the polls, J Street will distance itself ever so slightly from what is -up to now- a disastrous administration Middle East policy. If, unlikely as it seems, BHO's numbers soar, J Street will call on its Master to drag out the club.

Case in point: In the recent dust-up between Ben Ami and Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, Ben Ami's insurance policy was issued in the form of William (lame duck) Delahunt and Co. who probably spent more time in Ramallah and Amman than they did in Israel, bonding with the "victims" of Israeli "aggression". He claims the delegation met with "settlers" (aren't they Israelis as well? And are new Arab residents of Ramallah or Jenin "settlers" too?):

Ben Ami: We met..." families in Sderot, human rights activists, Gilad Shalit's father, and descendants of Palestinian refugees". (Guess which group evoked the most sympathy with the "Pro Israel" J Street?)

I would like to see the unedited dialogue between the "settlers" and the J Street delegation. Moreover, which "settlers" did they meet with and how were they chosen? If J Street uses the BBC and NPR rule, don't interview anyone articulate.

And let's look for the cynical use of Gilad Shalit's family who, no doubt, will fault the Netanyahu government's intransigience for obstructing the release of their son.

Never one to pass up a public relations opportunity, Ben Ami dashed off a "victimization" email blast, in effect, reminding everyone just how strong that guy around the corner is:

"...we were placed under a so-called "boycott" by Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon. On the heels of telling the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations that J Street should stop calling itself something it's not (i.e., "pro-Israel"), Ayalon leaked to Israeli media word of a boycott of the group, supposedly preventing us from meeting with Israeli officials."

Poor, marginalized Ben Ami. The cynical use of the "bodyguard" card may eventually come back to bite him. As the economy, soaring unemployment and misstep after misstep vis a vis Iran drive down Obama's approval ratings, Ben Ami will whistle for the muscle around the corner only to discover that he's nowhere to be found.

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I wanted to emphasize a few aspects of the J Street/CMEP (Churches for Middle East Peace) teamup, and do so in plain, direct English. (Previous posts: J Street Teams up With Leftist Christian Group to Cause Israel Diplomatic Trouble, J... Read More

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