
Friday, December 18, 2009

I'd say it's shocking, but it's not really. The sign is one of the most recognizable portable items in the world and a clear temptation for vandals or thieves.

Can Garrison Keillor account for his whereabouts between 3:30 a.m. and 5 a.m Polish time? Police: Auschwitz 'Arbeit Macht Frei' sign stolen

...The sign disappeared from the Auschwitz memorial between 3:30 a.m. and 5 a.m., Padlo said.

Police deployed 50 investigators and a search dog to the Auschwitz grounds, where barracks, watchtowers and ruins of gas chambers still stand as testament to the atrocities inflicted by Nazi Germany.

Police were reviewing footage from Auschwitz's surveillance cameras to see if the theft was recorded.

Auschwitz museum spokesman Jaroslaw Mensfelt said the thieves carried the sign 300 meters (yards) to an opening in a barbed-wire gap in a concrete wall. That opening had been left intentionally to preserve a poplar tree dating back to the time of the war.

The sniffer dog led police to a spot outside the wall where the sign left an imprint in freshly fallen snow, then to a roadside where the sign appeared to have been loaded onto a getaway vehicle...

Citizen Wald, who promises updates, comments here: Infamous "Arbeit macht frei" Sign Over Auschwitz Entrance Stolen Last Night


COPENHAGEN – Shocked and shaken by the theft of the Auschwitz sign, the world community must now "take note" of another midnight action. This time its a deal brokered by US President Barack Obama at the largest and most important U.N. meeting ever on fighting global warming. The new deal, which abandons the most vulnerable of nations along with the world's biologically rich tropical forests, continues a pattern of what international representatives call a "real lack of transparency" by the White House. Obama dismissed the UN's criticisms of his unusual and undemocratic negotiating process as "cynicism" while declaring his unbinding document an "unprecedented breakthrough". Obama's document promises to funnel up to $100B a year through the UN Development Programme, widely known for its corruption. "The deal is a triumph of spin over substance," said Jeremy Hobbs, executive director of Oxfam International, it "kicks back" on the issue of "climate cash". Like the Nazis sending "6 million people into furnaces" in the Holocaust, Obama is condemning the world to wide-spread global warming deaths, other leaders pointed out. Meanwhile, outside in the cold, hundreds of European protesters chanted and carried signs of Obama with the word "shame" pasted on his face.

Marc Garlasco?

Well, after all, Mark Garlasco is a collector.

As the American-Israeli comedian Charley Warady says, we should look for the sign on Ebay.

"A reader" AKBAR!!!

Let me add:

norman finkelstein?
mahmoud ahmadinejad?
melvin gibson?
garrison kiellor?

Polish police find stolen Auschwitz gate sign

I am glad they found it and appreciate the efforts of the Polish leaders and police.

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