
Friday, December 18, 2009

A lot of the good ones are, as Michael Feinstein notes in the NYT: Whose Christmas Is It?

ABOUT 10 years ago, I was doing a weekend of Christmas concerts, accompanied by a fine regional symphony in California. The first night went well, I thought, with a program of holiday classics that seemed beyond reproach. The song choices were about as controversial as a Creamsicle.

But I was wrong. Minutes before I walked onstage the second night, a nervous representative of the orchestra board appeared in my dressing room to tell me that my program was "too Jewish." Wow, I thought, who knew that orchestra management played practical jokes on artists moments before their shows? My laughter turned to disbelief when the stuttering gentleman said that there had, in fact, been complaints.

Between numbers the night before, I had mentioned that almost all the most popular Christmas songs were written by Jews and then riffed on the idea that the Gentiles must have written mostly Hanukkah songs. The audience was enthusiastic, so I assumed it was somebody on the board who had been offended.

Just as I was informing the unlucky messenger that the second night's show would be "even more Jewish," places were called. I bounded onstage in time to belt out the opening lines of "We Need a Little Christmas," wearing a fake grin that barely concealed my rage. After a while, the music calmed me down, and I was able to merge with the holiday spirit encoded in the Jerry Herman classic. The Jewish Jerry Herman Christmas classic...

Related: Confirmation that Garrison Keillor is a douche: Garrison Keillor Doesn't Like Jews Writing Christmas Songs:

Garrison Keillor, self-appointed cultural representative of regular old Americans, ruffled some feathers yesterday with a mildly xenophobic rant about Christmas. After lambasting a Unitarian church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for "spiritual piracy and cultural elitism" -- tweaking the lyrics of "Silent Night" for a singalong, in layman's terms -- he turned his ire in a different direction:

And all those lousy holiday songs by Jewish guys that trash up the malls every year, Rudolph and the chestnuts and the rest of that dreck. Did one of our guys write 'Grab your loafers, come along if you wanna, and we'll blow that shofar for Rosh Hashanah'? No, we didn't. Christmas is a Christian holiday--if you're not in the club, then buzz off...

While the references remain in the Baltimore Sun version, the Chicago Tribune caught wise, as I don't find these references in Keillor's column as it appears there.

I wonder if Keillor was in the audience for the performance Feinstein writes about above...nah...


He reminds me of Israeli Jews who deny Jews for Jesus their essential Jewishness.

However, I think he does have a point, though its misdirected somewhat.

The secularization and multiculturalization of Christmas isnt something that Christians are thankful for. And seeing has how Jews have traditionally been hostile to Christians...

However I see this as not a Jewish Conspiracy, but rather standard Leftwingist tactics and pushing for secularization, the subversion of Christianity. But even then, it is also influenced by a consumerist capitalist society.

So pinnning the Jews and singling them out is over the top, however, I dont necessarily think that is what Keillor was doing.

And Im no fan of Keillor.

Just imagine if Garrison Keillor tried to convert some Jews, instead of telling them to buzz off like Jews tell proselytizing Christians. Harry's place just ran a piece the other day where Jews were annoyed at proselytizing Christians offering Messiah CDs for free via a Jewish Magazine. Seen in that light, and the light of Jewish tribalism, then buzz off seems extremely Jewish. Perhaps the Jews dont like others to treat them, like they like to be treated. ;)

ev, Don't forget that Jesus was half-Jewish. Neither of his parents had any connection to your klan.

The secularization of Christmas cannot be blamed on a few Jewish composers who had the talent to write great songs. I'm glad you can look beyond those pesky Jews who want to keep their religion and not be proselytized and see it as part of secularization of our society as a whole.
And no EV Jews for Jesus are Christians since they believe the Messiah is Jesus Christ a basic tenant of Christianity.
Jews writing these songs are not trying to convert anyone, they were producing songs so they make a living, nothing sinister and wrong with that, specifically because the songs are beautiful, Christians had the choice of to take it or leave it. There's intent in writing these "secular" songs. But Christians targeting a Jewish magazine's audience, a world of difference.
Keillor might have had a point about Christmas being too secular, but as a lot of things go, his assessment was anti-Semitic.

Also, the last sentence made no sense. In both cases you are talking about Jews being treated....

I hate all those Jewish songs, like "God Bless America" and those rodeo operas by Aaron Copeland. And don't get me started on that Jew, Gershwin. Who did he think he was, an American?

Screw you Mr. Keillor

Someone pointed out in a post elsewhere that Garrison Keillor had a minor stroke in September.

I bet the brain damage he suffered triggered his rant. Maybe GK can join the melvin/hutton gibson church.

Also, the last sentence made no sense. In both cases you are talking about Jews being treated....

That should read...Perhaps Jews dont like being treated, like they treat others.

Let me be clear, I think Jews are entitled to be exclusionary tribalist jerks, if that is what they want to be.

Just dont be surpised when you arent embraced and loved in return.

You can vote en masse for the anti Western Left, but dont be surprised when Euro Christian Rednecks notice.

Okay EV, let me ask you this if I planted you in the middle of Hassidic community, where you had to live 24/7 and everyday I sent you literature about how Jesus was a fraud and you should see the light and become a Jew. And the one Christian magazine you subsribed to had a free CD about how awful person Jesus was, what fraud he was and how Judaism is the only true way to live. Would you think of yourself as a "exclusionary tribalist jerk" or would you think of yourself as someone who is trying to maintain his religion/culture in a face of almost constant onslaught of others trying to tell you how you should be and what you should believe?
Jews don't go around telling others not sing their Hanukkah songs, in fact just the other day I enjoyed Orin Hatch's (a Mormon) Chanukah song. You're comparing apples and oranges and being an anti-Semite in the process.
P.S. Dude I'm as Jewish as they come and I'm a conservative. So stop being a fucking prick and generalizing like an asshole (in fact most religious Jews are righties) and basically calling for a second Holocaust in not so blatant terms.

"and basically calling for a second Holocaust in not so blatant terms."


ev is just upset that his furhers "1,000 year reich" lasted only 12 years

AND that the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 nazi vermin infested europe.

Your comparison of Christian proselytizing is so way off base, as to not just be's actually Anti Christian.

It doesnt do Jews anygood to come off as anti Christian, my friend of the right. No good at all.

Im trying to be nuanced here and have been in this thread insinuated that Im a Nazi, and am eloquently batting for another Holocaust of Jews.

Jews need to grow a thicker skin. (I know that anti Semitism is growing). But alienating center Chrsitian Consersavatives isnt doing yourselves any favors.

I think that discussing the Left and Israel, and the US and Jews is a discussion worth having. How the religious Jews (who are mostly on the American Right) are the worst sorts of tribalist excluders and anti Chrstian bigots in Israel. And then we have the Jewish Left, which is anti Western, anti Christian, and so on and so forth, batting for mass immigration in the US.

How about the Jewish Left in Israel, are they big supporters of open borders? Minority rights and privelege over the majority? Removing Jewish symbols from public schools and public buildings?

If not, then you have to ask yourself, why advocate different policies, what has changed?

Furthermore, the Euro Western Left, that vile nest of self hating Europeans and their gaggle of "minority groups" that support their anti Western and European, anti Christian, and so on and so forth policies and just acting in accordance with its "principles" in its criticism, boycotting, lawfare, violent threats and so on and so forth against Israel and Israeli Jews.

I agree its vile, anti Semitic, and Anti Jewish, anti Israel.

However when its done to Christian Ethnicities in Europe and the Anglo Nations its just as vile. The vast majority of the Jews can be seen to support just that.

So I ask you? What is wrong with calling Jews out on that? If it all just boils down to tribalism, then lets stop with all the pretentions and get down to business, I say.

As an American Jew on the Right, you are supporting policy that isnt anti Christian, is pluralist, allows people to be different within the system, without subsidizing behaviors and cultures which are counterproductive, liberty. You can be a tribalist within that system, to your hearts content. I have no problem with that. However grouping with other tribes to punish the largest tribes and disempower them via policy and law isnt going to be responded to well. I gaurantee it. Better to support freedom and liberty, equality before the law, and equality of opportunity for all.

PS - Messianism is fully within the Jewish tradition, there is nothing inherently anti Jewish about proselytzation. It's in fact very Jewish.

Jesus as Messiah is not a threat to your culture. It's part of your culture. Messianic Jews are observant of Jewish traditions and culture, as well as keeping Torah, food restrictions etc (in fact this was a point of disagreement among early Christians). You dont have to be a Euro Christian, to be Christian.

Not everyone who criticizes Jews is a Jew Hating Would Be Mass Murderer, FYI.

ev, here are some videos of your heroes SURRENDERING UNCONDITIONALLY to the UK, UK and SU.

Here's one entitled
"Germans Surrender Amid Ruins"

And "June 1945, Germany: scenes of daily life in Red Army occupied Berlin, filmed one month after the Battle"

Watch them over and over again and see your future.

Oh, and Eurabia, formerly known as Europe, is being overrun by islamofascists. It's not the JOOOZ who welcome jihadis from all over the World to eurabia, its your FELLOW EURO TRASH who are destroying eurabia from within.

Americans will watch the fall of eurabia in High-Definition.

Here's your problem, EV, Petitedov is right, you're barking up the wrong tree here. You want to tweak leftists but you are posing around a conservative blog. For what? To annoy the, admittedly surprising number of leftists who hang here? But overall, what's the point? Not everyone has read you from the beginning, and even to some who have, you just come out sounding like a crass antisemite, and no one is getting you anyway. And you can't hang out at the lefty blogs because they'll just ban you outright, so you're left here, posing in the wrong window as it were.

As far as Jewish chauvinism in Israel goes, history is a wonderful teacher. Yes, Christians are "under attack" in the West, but they are fighting normal cultural battles. They do not face massacre and expulsion and have many choices. The Jewish experience is completely different. I do not have a problem with the idea that there should be ONE nation on this planet special and PERMANENT for the Jews.

I don't argue that leftist Jews often embody many inconsistencies. I point them out often, but your approach is not getting you anywhere.

europe is more "progressive", "liberal", left-wing than the USA.

It's not the JOOOZ who are pushing europe down the path of self-destruction, it's the white Christian majority that rubber stamps the influx of jihadis, islamo-supremecists into europe.

How many saudi funded mosques are in Western europe and North America?

How many churches are in saudi arabia? Here's a hint. It's a number less than ONE.

You don't fight islamofascism by embracing fascism, SHITlerism, the british nazi party.

Why don't hate speech laws apply to arabs/muslims living in the uk? Would holding arabs/muslims living in the West, to Western standards of behavior, be "islamophobic"?

I do not have a problem with the idea that there should be ONE nation on this planet special and PERMANENT for the Jews. --- Solomon

Do you have a problem with the idea that there should be ONE nation on this planet speical and PERMANENT for the English? Or the Danes? Or the Italians?

Are English that believe that, neo Nazis, racists, and supremacists?

These are questions that need answering Solomon, that is why I bring them up.

Being shouted down as a crass anti semite, for doing so, in an attempt to drive such discussion from decent civil society, is part of the problem that the Europeans are having now. Any patriotism or cultural expression, is shouted down as a crime against humanity.

This leaves only Stormfront and some of the more odious so called Far Right parties in Europe, like the BNP as the sole outlet for decent people to vote for.

Opening up public space for these ideas for decent people to discuss is a laudable goal. Letting Leftists and minorities shut down discussion has lead to pending disaster for European peoples.

Eddie, what would you say, if Europe adopted many Israeli policies, on land ownership by minorities, immigration policy, Anti-miscegenation laws, and so on and so forth?

Good on them?

Anything less, and we are into massive Jewish hypocrisy.

That Ive been called a Nazi and batting for another Holocaust in this thread is exactly the type of mind that produces people calling Israeli Jews Nazis and Fascists.

Eddie is like the mirror image of the Left in that regard.

How is what was done to me, as an American Conservative of European Heritage, any different than what the Left does to Israel.

That is why this needs to be discussed Solomon. Unless you are just in it to ride your hobby horse and inconvenient posters like me just get in the way or the Anti Semite finger pointing paranoid daily roundup.

If that is what its all about then Ill leave you Jews to enjoy your pity party and daily reinforcement that everyone is out to get you. Circle the wagons....them Christians are offering free Messiah CD's....Oh the horror!

But you will have missed an opportunity for better understanding.

Here we go again. You are arguing things that no one's arguing -- as though you think you are on some anti-nationalism Marxist blog or something. No one is complaining about Italians and Englishmen protecting their culture and expecting immigrants to fit in. And when Englishmen and Italians are chased and massacred across the globe for millennia with nowhere to go we can discuss it, but they never will, because they have England and Italy. Learn something about the history of Zionism, which was in great part to give the Jews a measure of normalcy among the Nations -- a state of their own. The devil is in the details of how those states and cultures are maintained, and to what lengths you're willing to go to do so, but everyone faces that. At baseline, the Italians (even Italian-Americans) have Italy, Jews have Israel.


One thing that comes across in your writings is that you discuss Jews in the collective sense.
While you and yours are permitted to act as individuals anything a Jew, former Jew, anti-Jewish Jew, orthodox/ultra-orthodox/secular Jew does is automatically the responsibility of all Jews.

ev, your fellow "progressive", leftist, socialist, national socialist filth buddies are doing everything possible to destroy europe from within.


europe is already turning into a sort of iraq/afghanistan.

Just don't come crying for help from the USA. Enough American blood has been spilled for you ungrateful, elitist euro trash.

europe hates Jews. OK. europe can now take on the Muslim hordes.

Muslims and euro trash who identify with Muslims are putting the last nails in the coffin of europe.

This leaves only Stormfront and some of the more odious so called Far Right parties in Europe, like the BNP as the sole outlet for decent people to vote for. -- EV

This should read "decent people that are fed up with the New Left Establishment and the Islamic invasion."

Eddie correctly observes that Jews are not a threat to Christian Europe or the Anglo Nations, its the self hating Western Euro Leftist that is THE threat. Without them, all other threats sharply decrease.

@ Cynic,

Yes that is always a trap, however American Jewry is 80% in the tank with the Euro Leftist.

Certainly some generalizations can be made given such circumstances, with the mitigating circumstance of individualism and the dissenting minority that you have described.

It's inherent in any socio-political analysis. African Americans dont all vote for the Democrats and Welfare Bennies, Reparations, and Re-distribution of wealth, special priveleges, preferences, etc. But 90% of them do. That being said, I would have no problem voting for Conservative black American.

Similar can be said for Muslims. Although Muslims are the existential threat to Europe that the Jew hating far right always made the Jews out to be.

Yes, Solomon, most Jews are of the opinion and back policies which are detrimental to the protection of those cultures. Jewish support of Cultural Marxism is my biggest gripe with them domestically or on foreign policy.

I am in no way , anti Israel, Solomon. Im pro Israel. What was teh old joke...."Other people have a nationality. The Irish and the Jews have a psychosis." I support a Jewish State, and particularly Israel.

You seem to think that Europeans should put themselves on the Jewish voyage of 2000 years or whatever it was as minorities and diaspora, before they deserve one equally. The smart thing to do is to maintain the one you have, nip that in the bud. They arent any less entitled to a homeland than Jews, and they have suffered greatly from other tribes, regardless.

Im for a ressurgence of European Nationalism and Western Conservatism, the reinstitution of cultural confidence. This does not mean ill treatment of minorities (except for Islam). However, I see other minorities getting swept up in it, unfortunately. The Western Left created the situation that is about to unfold...50 years of Baby Boomer Cultural engineering gone too far and too fast.

A resurgent Euro Nationalism will also bolster Anglo Christian poltical and cultural confidence in the US...and roll back the Leftist overreach which has produced the backlash.

ev (nazi world order), the world doesn't need your national socialism.

50 million people died due to your nwo during WW2.

Don't think that you can slip in your "nationalism" AKA national socialism, as an answer to islamofascism.

You don't cure one disease by infecting the patient with another fatal disease.

America watches europe self-destruct, once again.

Does the world need Israeli Jewish national socialism?

PS - You seem to be gravely misinformed about my particulars.

Nevertheless you seem to be a crass anti Euro-Christian....comparing them to Nazis with every post.

ev, you are the one pushing your "nwo" (nazi world order), "bnp" (british nazi party).

You sound like one of those goose-stepping euro trash who cry that the US "terrorized" peace-loving nazi Germany in the 1940s.


It really gets your goat that the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 europe.


Get used to it nazi filth. Every victory for Israel is a defeat for your "nwo", "bnp", "hamass", hezbollah, e-bolla, plo, pflp, neo-commies, kaffiyah wearing "socialist" euro-pagans.

"It really gets your goat that the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 europe"

No, eddie, that's not NWO's wish, but if this were to pass, he would gloat over it. He likes to post comments in which he makes the most dire predictions about the fate of Israelis and then says, with self-satisfied and nearly sadistic smugness "Enjoy". He does not mind Israel's destruction so much if it means that he can tell American Jews "Toldja" for having chosen to vote for Barack Obama. Believe me, it wouldn't matter one iota that many Jewish voters declined to vote foe Obama. They would be just as damned as the rest of them.

I have known him for a few years from the Charlie rose message boards. He is also a frequent reader of my blog. I also have some affection for him, in spite of his sometimes putrid positions about Jews, women, etc. I think I may have explained before that his dislike of Jews is much more akin to TS Eliot's pathology. Eliot did not mind clearly visible Jews, who were religious, observant and safely engaged with their synagogues, away from HIS sphere of activity (literature, intellectual inquiry, politics etc). What he couldn't stand and was mortally afraid of were those "free thinking Jews":

"What is still more important is unity of religious background, and reasons of race and religion combine to make any large number of free-thinking Jews undesirable."

NWO wouldn't mind Jews so much if they were to act like dhimmis to Christian Conservative thinking and did not go about philosophising about the meaning of justice, equality and universality. In other words, if they knew their place in the proper order of the world. Since they insist however (according to him and dismissive of anything Solomon tries to explain to him) to continue to be anxious about discrimination and social equity, they are his enemies.

NWO likes to cheer when I post information about scary Muslim preachers in Europe and other manifestations of antisemitism in Europe's cultural systems. He does not quite understand why I have an instinctive abhorrence to the way he makes the leap from Islamic fascism to Christian fascism. He shares, in sentiment, a lot with "arabian" poster here than he would like to admit.

Noga,, I thought this piece about Eliot and antisemitism is interesting - your comment piqued my curiority:

Alas Eliot is only one example of "civilized" antisemites, influential and sometimes very gifted figures who continue to influence Western culture against the very idea of Jews.

We're so close to this we don't even see it. This Christmas carol discussion though is throwing it our faces.

That a person like Keilor could say such a thing is just appalling but he isn't the only one - other writers have been reporting similar hate and disrespect lately about Jewish songwriters! It is shocking but only if people ignore the long arc of Jewish history in the supposedly civilized West.

Film and TV adaptations of "Ivanhoe" for example treat the Jewish figures with sensitivity and they are even heroic but the original is far uglier. We forget Henry Ford's obscene antisemitism, many of us don't even see Durrell's; how many have even studied European history? Maybe we know a few things about European wars and European art - but what about the more subtle aspects of European culture regarding "the other"?

Then we wonder why "civilized" peoples like the Europeans managed to murder and torment so many Jews and now are hosting extreme misojudaic bigots, many of whom claim to merely be "critizing Israel", and not all of whom are immigrants from the Middle East.

We saw some examples in the "Presbyterian" thread about the film - we actually had treacly crocodile tears for the murdered Jews of Greece (for example), complete with Ghandi quotes (Ghandi said the Jews of Europe should die rather than go to Palestine and live) and admonitions to join the "good Jews" and turn against Israel.

Others on the other hand declare that the neonazi BNP and Stormfront are actually acceptable while claiming to "support Israel" (see above disgusting comment by EV, absurd on its face).


If I had a Zimbabwe dollar for everyone who merely claimed to be criticizing the USofA and Americans, Id be the world's richest man.

I think it's true, its impossible to criticize Israel or Jews without being labeled an Anti Semite. Just as it's impossible to criticize Black Americans without being labeled and racist hater.

This state of affairs worked very successfully for the Left and sub victimization identity groups in silencing and hammering anyone who did. Political Correctness.

Well, that time is coming to an end.

Im not a supporter of the BNP nor do I frequent Stormfront.

Willful twisting of what I said to fit into your victimization narrative is par for the course.

I want to disempower the BNP and Stormfront, by tearing down PC which pushes honest discussion out of the public sphere and stigmatizes it. Thus allowing these type groups to expand into the voids.

Im for a robust Conservatism, that is proud to be Pro English say, instead of the weak Center Right that continually apologizes for being English.

This isnt legitimizing White Supremacy or Hate. This is disempowering that ugliness with a robust proud Conservatism.

You can continue with your anti English and anti Euro Christian diatribes, but that isnt going to be beneficial to the Jewish people. That ruse is up.

I suggest that you take the opportunity to apologize for past behavior and have a grown up discussion about these issues. Because continuing to villify Euro Christians isnt a good strategy going forward.

I totally get why Jews remain axious about "social justice", discrimination and social equality.

However as we can see, they arent so anxious about it in Israel.

Which exposes them as not as concerned as they claim to be about those issues.

J Street, may in fact be a manifestation of the Jews that actually do believe their Leftwingism as universal....and not merely convenient to hide tribalism behind. Universal human rights for me, but not for thee. They are perfectly happy to have Christians in Israel, as long as those Christians and Jews for Jesus know their place, outside of Judaism and as a dhimmi in Israel.

This is why everyone is stirred up.

Jews were given a homeland and they created the same thing they decried elsewhere, when they were the minority...and continue with this double standard.

Sophia admitted to me that here main gripe was that Israel somehow got moved from the other side of the double standard to the one that Western Europe and the Anglo Nations are held to.

The difficulty for Jews is that Israel now provides a majority Jewish state for others to criticize, expose Jewish double standards, and which lets the air out of Jewish high pronouncements about universal social justice. It illuminates their naked self interest the pretense to universal social justice is lifted....because we can see the racism and ill treatment of minorities in Israel. If one criticizes the racism and ill treatment of minorities in Israel, then they are attacked as anti Semites and hit with profuse amounts of whatabouttery. If the concern was for universal social justice...then the response would be different. But alas...

This is patently false (EV's comment):

If one criticizes the racism and ill treatment of minorities in Israel, then they are attacked as anti Semites and hit with profuse amounts of whatabouttery. If the concern was for universal social justice...then the response would be different. But alas...

I call baloney. Plenty of Jews in Israel and elsewhere throughout the world are more than willing to decry bigotry in Israel and also among our fellow Jews.

What we despise and refer to as antisemitism is an impossible double standard being leveled at Israel, which extends all the way to calling for Israel's destruction. That is hardly the same thing as honest criticism.

It most certainly is antisemitism and EV's comment is nothing but a strawman which nevertheless exposes his own bigotry.

Using Israeli flaws which are common to ALL democracies, which all continue to struggle against racism and toward a greater degree of human rights as an excuse for promoting the BNP and other neonazi groups and philosophies is antisemitic, full stop.

"They are perfectly happy to have Christians in Israel, as long as those Christians and Jews for Jesus know their place, outside of Judaism and as a dhimmi in Israel."

What a pathetic attempt at irony, NWO! The more you talk the more you reveal your own innate prejudices against Jews. And your own irrational inclinations. The only reason you support Israel is not because it is a democracy with the principles of social justice underwriting its foundation, laws and practices. You support it because you imagine it to be something like the American South before the civil rights movement, a place you long for in your fantasies. Who needs this kind of support? How different are you from any other rabid Leftist out there who hates Israel because he imagines it to be a reincarnation of Nazi ideology? It is absolutely clear that you have no proper feeling, or knowledge, where Jews are concerned, or Israel.

You support it because you imagine it to be something like the American South before the civil rights movement, a place you long for in your fantasies. --- Noga

This is false.

I support Israel for several reasons. One being what Solomon was referring to before, a place for Jews to be free and secure.

I also support these things for Europeans.

The Left attacks both.

Furthermore, I also support Israel as an ally against the profanity that is Islam from stinking up the planet. Just as I supported them as allies against the Soviets and Communism that was stinking up the planet.

I also support Israel, because it is a democracy with prospects for improving itself, and commitment to Enlightment values.

And also as the fulfillment of prohphecy, which doesnt need my support.

As I said before I admire Jews for many things, their culture of educational achievement, success, and intellectualism.

I have serious disagreements with most Jews as regards domestic policy in the US. Which is covered well in the Why Are Jews Liberal Commentary symposium.

Loving ones own tribes and culture is not anti Jewish or anti Semitic. Being pro Christian is not anti Semitic.

American Jewish Conservatives like Solomon have some understanding that Christian Conservatives support a system that allows different groups to be different. Its a design feature driven by the experience of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. I can be pro my groups and still support equal of opportunity, equality before the law, a libertarian system which allows for people to be different.

That doesnt mean that I have to embrace every aspect of the other and anything short of effusive loving and a sign of some ill intent or dark foreboding.

In fact, the policies that I advocate are good for they are for many different groups.

Pointing to Israel's fault's to you is anti Semitic. However you also think that Jews pointnig to the USofA's faults is not Anti American...but advocation of universal social justice.

You cant square that circle. Thus the cognitive dissonance that is central to Jewry, and American Jewry, in particular.

Many Jews have left that behind and are now American Conservatives...most NeoConservatives.

Solomon is one. He doenst have to love the Christian Right, to allow them their belief system and culture....without the need to attack it, plot its disempowerment, deconstruction, and subversion.


NWO dropped a note on my blog that he was banned here, because his comment did not show up.

Thanks. It's there now (#34). For some reason, his comments are often marked as spam and I do not get an email notice of every spam comment so I don't see them until I check or receive an email about it.

Keillor is just guilty of light-heartedly belittling a failing of serious concern to the Christian faithful. Us atheists can't understand the emotional devastation people must feel when their sacred institutions are mocked and worse are trivialized and commercialized. I think it's safe to cut him a some slack when the overall trend of his piece is clearly anti-commercialization.

But then again, I'm much more sympathetic than the average guy because I often find myself saying something pretty stupid while trying to be entertaining. It happens. Give the guy a break. He is guilty at worst of trying to retain respect for old, cherished religious traditions in the face of constant attacks by greedy people with little understanding and no discernable scruples.

Wait till Keillor learns than Jesus is half-Jewish.

Keillor might have another stroke.


The difficulty for Jews is that Israel now provides a majority Jewish state for others to criticize, expose Jewish double standards, and which lets the air out of Jewish high pronouncements about universal social justice

Nah! Israel's existence just exposes the hypocrite pseudo Jews and there you go again attacking all Jews instead of persons.
As for universal social justice, well one can see from the British media that ALL Brits are hypocrites weighed down in double standards.
Just looking back at this century's brown nosing by the British govt., for that filthy Arab lucre we also get Darfur, Rawanda etc., oh and a terrorist murderer of British citizens gets off with millions of pounds in a Swiss Bank and freedom at home for some filthy oil.

First ALL the Jews were guilty of all the concocted blood libels, from Theobald of Norwich to Gaza, and now they're guilty of hypocrisy with regard to social justice.

The double standards are yours that you mete out to the Jews.

"Pointing to Israel's fault's to you is anti Semitic"

No. I have covered Israel's faults in my blog. Remember, I lived there and all my family and friends live there. Expressing concern about the social discrimination that exists in some quarters (orthodox Jews) against Ethiopian Jews is a matter of daily and hourly practice in Israeli media and social hobnobbing. At the same time, orthodox Jews are also discriminated against in work places, as are Israeli-Arab. It's nothing to do with tribal loyalties, because the concern is universally felt and crosses cultural and ethnic and economic levels. Except in the very fanatic margin of the settler population, you will not find the kind of hatred and xenophobia that characterizes the far European Right, which you seem to admire.

You really haven't a clue about Israeli society. You read the rabido left lies and distortions and you take them as factual truth. Your only quibble is with their sentiments: they hate Israel because of this phantasmagoral demonization and you like Israel for the same reason. This is why you incur such opposition. You simply do not know enough and you make the most provocative pronouncements.

For my part I can forgive a multitude of sins, even some mild antisemitic feeling (who is free from all bigotry?) but I cannot forgive your sadistic gloating over Israeli anxieties, which you know nothing about, being an American who is not daily threatened by bloodthirsty neighbours.

In fact I am coming to a point where I am going to ignore your comments completely. If you wish to attend to those insane voices on the right, do so at your own risk. I do not trust you to know when the line is crossed from mere ideology into eliminationist aspirations.

Try learning a lesson from history. When Europeans became worried about Muslims, their first reaction was to attack Jewish communities, to devastating effect. I've seen minute examples of the same impulse in my own city of Montreal. I see them in your line of thinking.

"Wait till Keillor learns than Jesus is

Jesus, half-Jewish? Whoever his father was, his mother was undoubtedly Jewish and that makes Jesus a full bona fide Jew, even according to the strictest application of Judaic law!

"A Jewish father was concerned about his son who was about a year away from his Bar Mitzvah but was sorely lacking in his knowledge of the Jewish faith.

To remedy this he sent his son to Israel to experience his heritage. A year later the young man returned home. "Father, thank you for sending me to the land of our Fathers, " the son said. "It was wonderful and enlightening, however, I must confess that while in Israel I converted to Christianity."

"Oi vey," replied the father, "what have I done?"

So in the tradition of the patriarchs he went to his best friend and sought his advice and solace. "It is amazing that you should come to me," stated his friend, "I too sent my son to Israel and he returned a Christian."

So in the traditions of the Patriarchs they went to the Rabbi.

"It is amazing that you should come to me," stated the Rabbi, "I too sent my son to Israel and he returned a Christian. What is happening to our sons? Brothers, we must take this to God," said the Rabbi.

They fell to their knees and began to pray to the Almighty.

The clouds parted and a mighty voice asked: My sons, what can i do for you?

And the three fathers each told his story.

"Hmm" said God, bemused "It is amazing that you should come to Me..."

I have a better joke.

Henny Youngman said he was walking down a street and a provocatively clad girl walks up to him and whispers in his ear...

"I'll do anything you want for $100."

He says... "OK, paint my house."

For the record, I don't think this makes Keillor an antisemite -- at least, there is insufficient evidence to warrant such a conclusion. All antisemites are douchebags, but not all douchebags are antisemites. It was just a ham-handed and politically incorrect way of making a not so important or great point. A #fail if you will. Now if a pattern develops...

The double standards are yours that you mete out to the Jews. -- Cynic

You would have a point, except Im not a particularly big critic of Israel or Israeli Jews. My main gripe with Jews has to do with domestic politics in teh US (and more generally the Euro West).

PS- You could say the same thing about American Jews, and the entire Western Left and their gaggle of "minority" groups.

First, I was to admonished for seeing Israeli Jews as allies against Islam and Muslims, now I am a would be attacker of Jews, instead of directing my ire at Muslims.

It looks to an awefully lot of people that any outsider who criticizes Jews is an anti Semite.

This tactic is finished and is now counterproductive. Continuing to use it only alienates people.

See....British Jewish School forced to accept Jewish student with non Jewish mother and the howls of anti Semitism surrounding that one.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are not models to follow.

Noga, I am not an admirer of the so called Far Right. They are actually a bunch of socialists.

I do however think that certain cultural issues have been abandoned to them, because of viscious attacks on people who uttered them publicly in the past. I think that these should be reclaimed from the so call Far Right. This isnt admiration for them.

I do however support the rise of the BNP and like organizations, their success will have the Center Right adopting their immigration policies and anti PC stances, anti racial preferences and the like to stave off their rise. Which I think is good for the UK and much of Europe. Lets face it Labour and the Social Democrats arent going to save Europe, they are the ones aiding and abetting its destruction.

This isnt a radical position that I hold by the way.

The great thing about the rise of the BNP is that it is almost all draining support away from Labour and the Left. Which also helps to empower the Center Right Conservatives.

It may be that importing Islam was the worst move that the Western Left made, having been so successful these past 50 years. They have pushed too far, and have put the mojo back in the Right.

That's funny, Eddie. But the joke is not about Jesus.

Not exactly a joke but ... in one of my endless discussions on the Internet about antisemites and such I asked:

..what constitutes a purely good reason to support the Jews?

To which another poster, known for his sharp wit and superior intellect, answered:

"I sense the faint impression of a Kafka fragment or maybe something I.B. Singer-ish here: "The Man Who Sought a Good Reason to Support the Jews"

It could be a tale of a man who walked for six days and each day he was given the opportunity to help Jews, but always wanted a purely good reason to do so. Therefore he never did support them. Then on the seventh day . . ."

"I don't think this makes Keillor an antisemite -- "

Well, he does have a point. Those Jews, they stick their noses into what is strictly not their stew. Consider the very popular Christmas song, Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer, which was written by a Jew.

Consider how Rudolph, the natural underdog, is jeered at by his fellow rein deers, because of his nose(!!!). Not only jeered in words, but physically shunned, pushed aside, forbidden to join in the games (!!!!) This very Rudolph, a visible minority of one, is then chosen (!!!!!) by Santa Claus(!!!!!!) to lead (!!!!!!!) the way to Christmas cheers and and gifts.

Could any storyline be more Jewish than the story of Rudolph with his bright glowing red nose? I mean, think about it. Here is Rudolph, who constitutes no more than an eighth portion of his kind in the reindeer population, being assigned to leadership position, over-representing the proportion of his number in general reindeerdom. 100% percent of Santa's leadership are Rudolph, while, according to CIA claims, only 12.5% percent of the North Pole population is Rudolph.

Doesn't that make Santa an elder of Zion? He is the right age, and he has the beard of a Zionist elder. You could say his cap is a sort of an oversized, overworked kippah...

Jack Bauer will get to the bottom of it...

Jack Bauer Interogates Santa

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