
Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Islamic Republic of Iran is displaying to the world once again what it has been exporting for decades, only this time it's directed against its own people with no intervening proxy to provide cover for regime outrages.

Omnia21 has video of one of the latest, graphic video of a young woman shot down on the street in cold blood by the Basij (she was not even involved in a protest): IRANIAN THUGS KILL UNARMED YOUNG FEMALE PROTEST BYSTANDER. A tragedy, an outrage, a murder.

Power Line has a useful post: Following Events in Iran. They have video of the same scene from a different camera and are hosting it themselves in case it disappears from YouTube.

Video evidence from the Axis of Evil.

Update: Hot Air has a running update here.

Mark Steyn: Neutrality Isn't an Option - You always have a dog in the fight, whether you know it or not.

Events are developing so quickly, it's hard to keep up with good analysis (because there's so little), but this MESH roundtable from a few days ago is still interesting: Iranian turmoil, U.S. options

Also, Martin Kramer says, Obama's Middle East map in shreds

There is nothing at all surprising about Barack Obama's reluctance to embrace the surge for freedom in Iran. As I've shown, he received his primer on the Middle East from Rashid Khalidi, who facilitated Obama's formation as a Palestine-centric Third Worldist. In this view of things, only the situation of the Palestinians deserves to be described as "intolerable" --the word Obama used in Cairo--and action is promised only to them. Iranians are defrauded and assaulted by the bizarre dictatorship of the "Supreme Leader" and his Basiji minions? America, Obama says, is "watching." Why? Obama's master plan for the Middle East is supposed to commence with his entry to Jerusalem as the messiah of peace, godfather of the Palestinian state. Everything is supposed to follow from that.

Well, the Middle East doesn't revolve around the Palestinians, and young Iranians don't intend to wait for Mahmoud Abbas (emir of Ramallah, where there is a "good reality") to get off his derrière before demanding their freedom. Iranians rightly think they're no less worthy of the world's sympathy than the Palestinians. (One of the chants of Iran's protesters: Mardom chera neshastin, Iran shode Felestin! "People, why are you sitting down? Iran has become Palestine!") Events in Iran have left Obama's simplistic mental map of the Middle East, first learned from a few Palestinian activists and an old Hyde Park rabbi, in shreds...

1 Comment

Our False Prophet appears to have no idea what a golden opportunity he's passing up… overthrow this evil regime without firing a single shot… get their Armageddon-inspired nuke program off the world stage… and free 30 million people all at one time. But the boy wonder is too stupid to see it… or somehow just doesn’t care?

And isn’t this what George W Bush told you was going to happen in the Middle East in the wake of Iraq's liberation?
Maybe that’s why Barack Obama has so little apparent interest in finishing the job in Iran… no matter how much it benefits the US and free world.

That, and the fact that he's already piled all his chips on legitimizing this vile regime- a democratic revolution at this point would be embarrassing.

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