
Monday, October 13, 2008


This is extremely sad.

The Muslim Day Parade is about celebrating being Muslims and being part of the American community/society. Not making of a political rally, not a terrorist rally, not an anti-whatever organization rally, not an anti-religious rally, not an anti-American rally but being part of the American landscape. This is a festive occasion.

What makes this parade unique is the many different nationalities, ethnic groups, race and local community members getting together and celebrating what we the Muslims believe in and acknowledge, that we Muslims are not going anywhere and the US is our home, and we are Americans and proud of it! There are American-Muslims in our every day life, yes even police officers, correction officer, fire fighters, that are protecting everyone, not Muslims alone! It is my home and I am not going anywhere.

The video does not show you that the individuals that were arguing were NOT part of the parade, but they were on the other side rallying against the parade too.

Also, why would NYC allow a permit to rally against the parade itself, to instigate other peoples belief and making false accusations on an entire religious belief!? What do you expect from your fellow human beings?!

How would you feel if you are part of a parade celebrating who/what you are, being a festive occasion and then there is a group/organization making false statements, instigating, causing hatred.

America is not about hate, but bringing people TOGETHER. I love America!

Proud American,

You question as to why NYC would permit protests of a parade, along side the parade is a good one.

NYC permitted kapos, islamofascists, racists, America hating progressively mentally ill socialists to protest the June 2008 "Salute to Israel" parade in NYC.

If you watch the video of the October 2008 Muslim parade on the page linked to at the top, you will see at 2:53 into the video, a man, dressed as a pious Muslim, wading into the protestors, and threatening them.

That "Islamic Thinker" says at 3:05 "I hope you get raped".

That very same pious "Islamic Thinker" protested the June 2008 Salute to Israel parade with his racist signs and slogans. He's wearing the black short sleeve shirt with "18" on it.

You can him in pictures at this website.

A quote from the above website:
"The guy with the Coward Apes and Throw the Jew Down the Well signs was giving the Nazi salute numerous times during the parade and was screaming and swearing at elementary school children as they marched in the parade. He would then point at the penny or the Death to all “Juice” signs and then point to the children."

His nazi salute pretty much sums up his worldview.

He apparently is part of a group called the "Islamic Thinkers Society".

He and his fellow society memeber are probably thinking of Jihad, Terrorist attacks, sharia, caliphate, 12th imam.

That guy belongs in Guantanamo.

when will it all end, this hate and discrimination against islam. when there was black and whites only water fountains and places that whites only can go. think about it there must be an end to all this hatred, if at one point of time there was an uplift movement of a race of ppl that would break all color barriers let islam shine. its like to be black this day and time is ok but not, ok and to be black and muslim its like a big problem getting into or being a part of society, talking about an equal opportunity employer on applications that only proves to be contradicting....with this i leave you to ponder and let it sink in....

lakhraj, "when will it all end, this hate and discrimination against islam."

Opposition to islamism and islamofascism will end when the majority of Muslims stand up and show the world they oppose the "minority" who hijack planes, hijack cruise ships, hijack countries like Lebanon, set off bombs in Times Square, kill people in the D.C. Beltway, murder artists like Theo Van Gogh, threaten writers like Salman Rushdie, threaten cartoonists, make genocidal threats against countries like Israel, threaten the UK with its own 9/11 attack, bomb buses and the underground in London, kill 5,000 Kurds in Iraq with poison gas...

lakhraj, when will islam stop its hate and discrimination???

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