
Monday, October 13, 2008

Unbelievable: AJC Calls on Publisher to Retract Zionism Chapter in Encyclopedia.

Z-Word has the definitive post on the subject: Macmillan USA Encyclopedia Damns Zionism as Racism

Noel Ignatiev is one the last people you would expect to be authoring an entry on Zionism for an encyclopedia published under a well-known, trusted imprint. But open Volume 3 of the "Encyclopedia of Race and Racism," which carries the names of both Macmillan Reference USA (now owned by the Michigan-based Gale, Cengage Learning company) and the Macmillan Social Science Library, and you will see that he has done just that [link is to PDF of encyclopedia entry]...

It's not like they couldn't have known who Ignatiev was, and the controversies he's been involved in, including calling for the "abolition of the white race", and threats to sue anyone calling him an antisemite. In fact, his antisemitism appears to be his sole qualification for writing the entry. If you read the entry in the PDF, you'll see what transparent garbage it is.

Read the Z-Word entry. That Macmillan would give credibility to such a person, and then be unable or unwilling to admit a mistake is shocking.


I found this on Cengage:

I'm really rather horried at the moment.

if zionism is racist what is Arab Nationalism? The want of a homeland on one hand is racism , while nationalism on the other hand is what?
zionists don't try and convert or force any one to believe as they do, they don't run theocracies and dictator ships as most Arab countries do.
The fact that you let a man with this one's background in racims make an entry speaks volumes about your publication.
he should be careful as David IRving tried to say the same thing and he was found guilty of racism and anti semetism.

No one--and I truly mean NO ONE--should be surprised by this. Anti-Israeli sentiment has been mainstream for quite some time now, and it will only get worse. Find me a college or university where the faculty isn't overwhelmingly left wing and rabidly anti-Israel. Sure, there are always voices in the wilderness, but they are few and far between. The Arabs have been very, very smart about how they are fighting this war--they began planning for this years ago, long befoer supporters of Israel realized that there was a PR war being fought (in fact, some STILL don't realize that fact).


Anti-Israeli criticism arises from the policies and actions of the Israeli state. To equate Israel and Jews is, unfortunately, the practice of those who would define Israel as representative of all Jews everywhere. Such an anti-semitic definition confuses those who are not informed of the political history of Israel, which includes substantial protest by many Jews against being essentialized in such a manner, and equal protest against the policies and activities of Israel.

If only there were a relative percentage of Muslims to criticise Wahabbist, Islamist, Islamofascist fatwas, jihads, honor killings, genocidal threats against non-Muslims, the world would be a better place.

Who aren't Muslims at war with?

Je me umagine que des profesionnels des crimes magnates et tenancier des bordels, les technicien des extermination, voyous, gagsters de vils criminels et de psychopathes Juifs et Juives ne sont pas contant des denontiation de sa culture fasciste et raciste criminel en vers des autres. Bien souvant inicents. Ryszard

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