
Sunday, January 20, 2008

As mentioned earlier, Charles Enderlin was in town pimping his new book the other day. Joel Pollak has a report from his Harvard appearance, noting:

France 2 TV journalist Charles Enderlin told a small audience at Harvard's Center for European Studies today that Yasser Arafat had faked his blood donation to the victims of the September 11th attacks. Enderlin said the event had been staged for the media to counteract the embarrassing television images of Palestinians celebrating in the streets after the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.

The blood donation story made headlines around the world. It was reported by esteemed news agencies like the BBC, and photographs of Arafat lying with an outstretched arm ran on many front pages. But the whole scene was staged, Enderlin said. Arafat didn't like needles, and so the doctor put a needle near his arm and agitated a bag of blood. The reporters took the requisite photographs...

Given what's rumored to have killed Arafat, I'm not surprised he didn't want a blood sample for donation taken.

Richard Landes was present, confronted Enderlin, and has his own lengthy report: Fisking a Dishonest Storyteller: Charles Enderlin at Harvard. Even beyond the Al-Durah fraud, Enderlin sounds like a real piece of work. Everything you dislike in the MSM stuffed into one French package.

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» Arafat's Blood (or not) at the blog Solomonia

The post below, Darkness at Noon -- MSM Plays Along with Hamas Photo Staging, has really gone viral, thanks in no small part to the push given it yesterday by Scott Johnson at Powerline. Thank you to Scott and to... Read More

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precision: into one French scumbag package

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