
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Usually I steer clear of the fringes (Ha!  OK, I said usually...), but this was too good to pass up.  David Duke wannabe, Green-Rainbow Party organizer and self-appointed "reporter" for the Islamic Society of Boston, Karin Friedemann (wife of the equally notorious Joachim Martillo, has a post on her blog (this is a second blog under her other pseudonym, Maria Hussain) that, well, just read it.  Just when you think you've read all the analysis there is to be read on the Ahmadinejad visit, you should check out one more.  Here are some snips: Self-Hating Jews vs Ahmadinejad:

I signed my kids up for Arabic lessons recently and, having lived before in an orthodox Jewish town in New Jersey, I noticed something somewhat interesting. Arab mothers of young children weigh on average 20-30 pounds less than your average Jewish mother of young children and not only that, their posture is astonishingly better. In other words, Arab ladies are so much prettier and more self-confident than Jewish ladies in the same station of life. Not only that but their facial expressions are so much different. Orthodox Jewish women walk around not only slumped over, but scowling with a tense frown on their faces. They seem so discouraged, and seem to give off the vibe of being unloved and unwanted at home. All they do I suppose is wash dishes obsessive-compulsively and spend their Fridays ripping up pieces of toilet paper in preparation for the Sabbath, so life must be pretty dull in comparison to the Arabs who actually enjoy their weekends partying with their families and friends.

The other difference is the men. I was going through a divorce when I was living in New Jersey and although it may sound pathetic, I really enjoyed all the attention I got from the Jewish men. I guess with my 26 inch waist, and my upright posture I was a goddess compared to the orthodox Jewish ladies...

...suppressing all that guilt about Israeli violence against Palestinians must be a constant downer too. I think no one hates themselves as much as Zionist women so no wonder they are the most vicious people on the planet. I tend to blame all the problems in this world on Jewish women, since the men are doormats who obey their wives or at least pretend to obey their wives.  But what’s new. There are more Jewish women marrying hot Arab men in “Israel” than there are marriages between Ashkenazim and Arab Jews. It’s over for the Zionist project.

So anyway, how about President Ahmedinejad’s speech at Columbia University? It was so awesome, what I saw on video, and what astonished me most was the warm, thundering applause after every comment he made. I didn’t know there were that many decent Americans out there. Everyone protesting outside was of course a psychotic Jew brainwashed by the David Project. But the thousands of people cheering for Ahmedinejad, who is like the new Bruce Springsteen, really made me feel better about this country. I would not be surprised if scores of people converted to Shia Islam as a result of his really great responses to the hostile questions (I did). He proved himself to be someone with not only great intelligence and wit but saint-like patience. It seemed to me that the Iranian President has more popular support in this country than our own mentally retarded President Bush...

I can't c/p the whole thing, though it's tempting.


Marriages between Arabs and Jews are very rare, I've heard, whereas Ashkenazi-Sephardi marriages are fairly numerous and growing. Where does this woman get her statistics, I wonder?

And what's all this about the looks of orthodox Jews? Who cares? And linking their looks to guilt over Zionism?

This woman's crazy. That's the only explanation I can find. Just plain nuts.

Against my better judgment, I looked at the whole article. This woman is clearly raving.'s good to see that the Greens stand firmly against racism of any sort ;-)

Clearly, this is a classy dame...

Sounds like sexual jealousy to me. No other rational explanation presents itself. I wonder why.

"Arab ladies are so much prettier and more self-confident than Jewish ladies"

Just to set the record straight:

Shouldn't have read this while eating. I'm ill once again........


I'm also curious as to what others think of this (dreck).


Responding to that pair of lunatics with facts seems almost beside the point, but the reality is that the women in Arab countries have astonishingly high rates of obesity, higher than Arab men, higher than non-Arab Muslim women, and certainly much higher than Israeli women. Even the supposedly starving Palestinian women have a 42.5% obesity rate, almost as high as their Saudi counterparts.

I don't know if tables of posture are out there. Incidentally, do I understand correctly that she was so moved by Ahmadinajad that she converted to Shi'a?

Yeah, that's what she said:

"I would not be surprised if scores of people converted to Shia Islam as a result of his really great responses to the hostile questions (I did)."

She's an odd one.

Dreck? This is dreck? Bwahahaha. This is ART. This is so bad it belongs in the museum of dreck.

Apart from the sexist attitudes toward women, and the racism, and the religious bigotry, I love it.

I love how the Left, my own dear Left, has now come to value tiny waists and pretty faces, since I can now justify another trip to Dr. S, to deal with my wrinkles (my nose is already gor-g-ous, thank you very much!)

And "Arab" men are praised for their "hotness". Whatever happened to character? Hell, who needs it, especially in this progressive and enlightened age?

But - what about Yasser Arafat? HOT? Or NOT HOT?

Oy. You have to ask?

Apart from the fact that he isn't breathing, I mean; but let's not get too picky, it isn't Politically Correct to judge after all!

Anyway, I'm delighted that men are now to be regarded as one would regard a beautiful stallion, by the "progressives" yet, which includes me.

I'm thilled that it is now Politically Correct to lust after Beautiful People, since I have always drooled over Paul Newman.

Paul Newman isn't hot? He is breathing too! A definite plus, even though We Aren't Supposed To Judge, Because It Isn't Progressive!

But, he has blue eyes, I think he might be Azkenazi. I'll bet he doesn't count as Acceptable Hotness. And he DID play that guy - "Ari", as in "Aryan", Ben Canaan, in the movies. Not, definitely NOT, Politically Correct. But listen! We could get him maybe some brown contacts so I could drool and still be Within the Pale?

But nu, Paul Newman is getting a little Long In The Tooth, which I gather isn't Politically Correct anymore, since having poor posture and a 27 inch waist are no longer acceptable - so heaven knows us old folks aren't Politically Correct either, having wrinkles, plumpness (yech!) and even Poor Posture.

So ok. What about Viggo Mortensen? Nu, he isn't Jewish OR Arab, so he could convert maybe, either to Orthodox Judaism or to Shia Islam, get some brown contacts, and maybe an ugly dinner jacket; and then it would be OK to talk about his hotness and lust after his cheekbones?

Just saying - since progressives apparently now distinguish between people based on their religion and their hotness, we could kill some birds with one stone here:)

After all, progressives think that hotness is all in the mind, right? Unless of course we are discussing ARAB hotness? Hello? But, if we are discussing hotness, or Arabs, how on earth do we include Ahmadijenad in this parade??????

I am confused.

Anyhow, I thought that was why women wear burkas and the chador? So people won't judge them on their shallow, external sexual characteristics? But praise them rather, and value them, for their internal selves and piety? Isn't that a Really Really Progressive Thing To Do?

Ergo, this dreck is racist, sexist, age-ist; and it stereotypes on the basis of religion.

So? What's not to love?

It is indeed good to see that the Green Party progressives are leading the world toward a more reasoned, civilized and understanding view of people and the world. It's good to see that characteristics such as having a good heart, intelligence, being a good mother or a good provider, still count for more than looking hot or having a small waist and a pretty face, isn't it?

PS: I can't wait to see the lines forming as people flock to convert to Shia Islam due to The New Bruce Springsteen, Rock Star Of The East.

I am sure, besides being Really Really Progressive, this will fill the hearts of the Sunni with great joy.

Maybe we should forward this article to March 14 headquarters in Lebanon. They might want to start packing, as they are now guaranteed to lose the election due to all these newly converted Shia voters, who hopefully will be moving to Beirut from Massachusetts, complete with Green Party voter registration forms:)

IIRC, Sunnis have extra prayers during Ramadan that Shiites don't say. So she's getting through services a bit faster -- she should have switched two weeks ago!

To the points raised in earlier comments, this dame indeed has some issues, possibly related to both, her current husband and her ex, as well as negative childhood experiences with her parents. Preeminent psychoanalyst, Dr. Mortimer Ostow, author of the 1996 book, "Myth and Madness: The Psychodynamics of Anti-Semitism", tied anti-Semitism to early childhood experiences such as problems with toilet training. From Karin Friedemann's recent postings on yet another website
"...Nobody was encouraged to be virgins when they got married in my generation. But still I felt like such a loser because when I was in elementary school, my best friend, who was Jewish, used to have parties at her house which were Jews Only and I never got invited. At these parties, the kids would be left unsupervised while the parents partied downstairs. The kids would play strip poker, spin the bottle, five minutes in the closet, and some game where they would blindfold the boys and then let them feel the girls' breasts. They were encouraged before puberty to do everything they wanted.

It might not be a strictly Jewish thing. It might be American kids in general that play these games and I was just the immigrants' daughter who was not cool enough. But the Jewish parents really made an effort to have these Jews Only parties and they made no effort to restrict their children. My other Jewish friend used to be allowed to watch HBO sex movies without any supervision while I was not allowed to watch a PG-13 movie."

Nothing that some good medications and psychoanalysis can't help. And she can get a family discount with her hubby, Joachim Martillo.

The author of this piece and her husband are what is known in history as Jew-baiters. So what is Jew-baiting?

The urban dictionary tells us it is a form of "Terrorist Gang Stalking".

"Gang stalking enjoys a long and sordid history. It was a part of the KKK’s infamous lynching campaign that lasted well into the the twentieth century, was called Jew Baiting prior to the Holocaust,... and has also been known as Blacklisting, McCarthyism, The Red Scare, Cause Stalking, Stalking By Proxy, and The Politics of Personal Destruction."

"Terrorist Gang Stalking is a tool employed by fascists who seek to quash freedom of speech along many other Constitutional rights."

It is intended to control and intimidate.

Solomon is right to expose this kind of writings. But I wonder if our comments here, which show how outraged we are, do not actually feed the beast. I wonder if the right way to go about it is not to engage (not even by responding wih a joke) but to expose and then ignore.

Regarding rates of obesity among Palestinian women: Not that this detracts from my views about Karin Friedemann, but high rates of obesity can be associated with poverty, as in our own country. The poorer you are, the more you're likely to fill up on starches, fats and carbohydrates. So maybe that's why Palestinian my run to fat. Or maybe not. I really don't know.

Yeah, I just Googled her images, and I see what you mean. I shouldn't want to make fun of her because of her looks, especially as she is evidently a woman "of a certain age," but it does go to show that not only the poor indulge too much in carbs.

Karin put her article together somewhat quickly.

She may have been quoting me with regard to ethnic Ashkenazi outmarriage.

I was referring to the statistics on outmarriage in Czarist Russia, where ethnic Ashkenazi women frequently outmarried while ethnic Ashkenazi men were much less likely to do so. In this outmarriage behavior ethnic Ashkenazim were different from practically all other ethnic groups and definitely from Jews that belonged to other ethnic groups within the Czarist empire.

Others have commented on the Jewish (really ethnic Ashkenazi) composition of the anti-Ahmedinejad protesters.

See .

Shomrot mitzvot Jewish American women clearly wish that they had waistlines like that of my pampered babe.

See .

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