
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Murdered by an Illegal Alien. Written by his mother:

I am writing for my son Alex Tsuji, who was born on May 20, 2004 and who died on December 6, 2006. Our car was hit by a drunk driver, Maricio Salazar, if this is his true name. He had a .26 blood alcohol content, three times the legal limit. Mr. Salazar was an illegal immigrant with no insurance or driver’s license. He was drinking and driving when he ran a red light, slammed into our minivan, and put Alex, our 2 ½ year old son, on life support for 19 days. We were shopping for Thanksgiving, and we wanted to buy video games to have an all night video game marathon with the kids. Everyone was very happy that day. Alex picked out his first video game with glee. And he spoke his first complete sentence, “Open for me, mama.”

On the first day at the hospital, the doctors said Alex could not be saved. We prayed for a miracle for 19 days; and we fought to undo what Mr. Salazar had done to him. But doctors, in the US and in Japan, my husband’s native country, confirmed our son was not viable. Alex’s spinal cord was completely transected, and he had a severe brain injury. Alex was in a coma and his body could no longer regulate his breathing or any other bodily function; it was a matter of time and how much suffering, we could not know. No doctor or medical technology could be found to save him. In the end, we, his parents, had to name the date and time of Alex’s death...

The driver, whose real name and other personal information are still not known, will up for parole in three years.


How can contemptible politicians allow the illegal alien catastrophe to continue when such criminals continue to murder defenseless and innocent Americans – angelic, precious children among them - in numbers far greater than the death toll in the Iraq War?

This is tragic, obviously, but the tone of that piece and of the site in general confuses "security" with hysteria. Yeah, there's a problem and it needs to be addressed, but this sort of "Won't someone think of the children?" screeching is completely counterproductive.

Interestingly, their FAQ's discussion of terrorism goes heavy on the "tiny minority of extremists" stuff. Not sure why they're in such a frenzy over Latinos.

Latinos? Criminal aliens. A good portion of our security problems would be taken care of if we'd just enforce the laws on the books.

JSinger might not want to admit it, but this crime and many, many others could be prevented with a sealed border and strict immigration policies in this country.

Sure, we would still have citizens here drunk driving, but is that admission saying that we should just go ahead and let in MORE?

The harsh reality is that our sealing of the southern border with Mexico would cut crime. And that cannnot be refuted. The question is, why are we waiting?

I, for one, don't like the answer...

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