
Monday, May 28, 2007

While we're donating money and finding ways to funnel cash in around the official Hamas government, let's take a look at the culture that pervades Palestinian Arab society...

This incredible video has been posted at YouTube and shows some sort of children's performance.

Children dressed as terrorists, children dancing with bloody hands...Charles (who has two posts on this, here and here) is exactly right when he remarks that the little girl dancing with bloody hands is intended to make heroism and example from the horrific lynching of two Israeli reservists lost in Ramallah:


The poster has disabled embedding, so you'll have to watch it at YouTube, although I have uploaded it to VideoEgg in two parts (VideoEgg has a five minute limit) and you can watch it here for the time being. The girl with the bloody hands (by no means the only vile part of this) dances near the beginning of part two:

Update: Charles also has a copy posted here.

1 Comment

I have to wonder why UNICEF, which purpurtedly looks after the physical and mental well-being of all children in the world, persistently averts its gaze from this massive, consistent,persistently malevolent abuse of Palestinian children, their futures and their potential to live a normal lifespan.

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