
Monday, April 30, 2007

Interview with Natan Sharansky in the Chicago Tribune:

Q. In the United States there is talk of bringing Iran and Syria into the dialogue as a way of settling the conflicts in the Middle East. Do you fear this might decrease pressure on Iran's nuclear ambitions?

A. I find it absolutely ridiculous. What kind of contribution can this Iranian regime bring to the dialogue for peace when they made it very clear that for them peace means no more Israel?

It took time for the West to understand that the only way to really force the Soviet Union to cooperate was to make economical and political links to human rights. And that until now hasn't happened with Iran.


1 Comment

I wish Sharansky would run for Prime Minister of Israel instead of repeatedly cycling through the same group of people like Netanyahu, Barak, Perez...

Similarly, Al Gore, ran, lost. That's it. You had your chance and YOU BLEW IT. NEXT!

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