
Monday, April 23, 2007


Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradhawi, who is on the record in favor of the murder of Americans, Jews (well known misers don't you know), Muslim Brotherhood rep, part-time fund raiser and erstwhile honorary trustee for the Islamic Society of Boston, puts Virginia Tech under the cutting microscope of his analysis: Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Virginia Tech Massacre Reflects American Philosophy of Violence. The Americans Kept Quiet about It Since the Shooter Was Not a Muslim

The thing I detest most is unjustified bloodshed. I even felt great pain at what happened in America. An armed student killed 33 fellow students. What is this? This is the philosophy of violence, the outcome of violent films, the outcome of the violence used by America. America has made force the decisive factor in everything, and it uses its power to force peoples to do as it wishes. This philosophy has left its mark. We see in the schools of America... Even in high schools and junior high schools, we see youth who kill their fellow students. In that university, we saw that someone killed all those fellow students of his - and for no comprehensible reason. What is this? It is the philosophy of violence, which was instilled in these people. This philosophy of materialism and permissiveness does not instill in them religion, faith, moral values, compassion, or brotherhood. Instead, it instills in them selfishness and violence, and makes the rifle or the machine-gun rule supreme. This is the philosophy of American civilization, which it bequeaths to its sons...

This from a fan of martyrdom as a tool.


I hate when commentators, especially foreign commentators, try to look at the big picture, even when there is no big picture. Weird crimes happen everywhere. It could be that there is no great statement to make about American culture or civilization. Of course, this guy is a moonbat and hardly counts, but there are foreign journalists who I've heard have written drivel on the subject.

When Cho bought the gun, he probably passed through the security check because he had had no criminal record. Maybe one reform they could do is have blocks on former mental patients, as well, depending on the diagnosis.

Another contender in the Democratic race, triangulating an anti-gun and "I feel your pain" position? Or perhaps hoping for a talking-head or executive position at NBC, perhaps replacing Steve Capus or Brian Williams?

Or is that Steve Capus, in his weekend garb?

The Shehik should read a newspaper. Almost everyday tens of Iraqis Sunnis/Shiites are killed by bombings by fellow Iraqis.

The culture of violence, unrelated to the US, but related to "Peaceful Islam" is something he sees as justified.

"The problem is made far worse by the general atmosphere of American society, which in recent decades, in deference to the First Amendment, has countenanced more and more depictions of violent behavior -- most notably on television. [...] But the sort of "anything goes" mood dominant in America today carries with it, inevitably, the risk that occasionally unstable individuals will choose to go much too far."

For example.

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