
Friday, April 20, 2007

Nice profile of the big wrestler: The Rebirth of a Man Named Goldberg 200px-Billgoldberg17.jpg

After leaving his football career behind him, Bill Goldberg went on to become the world's most famous wrestler -- making millions by prancing around in nothing but boots and underwear. Now the 40 year old is reinventing himself again, this time as a reality television host, a family man, and a proud Jew...

...“It’s the biggest honor I could ever have,” he says of being seen as a role model. “For one kid to look at me and smile because of what I’ve done is a huge honor and a very big responsibility.” It’s one that he took on from the start, never considering adopting a pseudonym in a sport where it’s the norm. “I said, ‘My name’s Goldberg. Call me Goldberg.’ It was that simple. If I changed my name I’d be hiding something, and I have nothing to hide.”

He became one of wrestling’s most popular stars, embraced by cheering fans raising “Happy Hanukkah” banners from the stands. “An arena full of 20,000 to 40,000 people in the Deep South yelling ‘Goldberg!’ is an accomplishment,” he notes with a laugh, adding that he never once encountered anti-Semitism. Could those prejudiced individuals have been afraid to voice it to his face? “No,” he insists. “They never hesitated to get on my case about other things.”...

1 Comment

Sol - You're a man after my own heart. Here's what I had to say about Bill Goldberg during the 2005 Somerville divestment campaign:

The Hebrew behemoth has meant a lot to me over the last few years (secret confession, I always wear my Goldberg t-shirt at Israel events).

Keep up the good work.

Jon Haber

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