
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Remember this infamous Nazi propaganda poster?

A poster at Democratic Underground thought it was great and used it in a thread to talk about America...or something...

Anyway, you might think that when it was pointed out that he had a Nazi propaganda poster in his collection, well, this might have given him pause. But oh no, full speed ahead. It's all in how you look at That was then, this is's all in your perspective and that was a long time ago and now this poster accurately reflects the problems with America and its history and its present and hand me another shroom Adolph...

No really. To their credit, the mods at DU finally locked the thread (embarrassing!), but in the mean-time, poster Jcrowley had plenty of support, including 44 "recommendations." This comes via this interesting post having a look at some of the goings-on at DU over the past few days, written by a poster at what I take to be a group of DU "dissidents" called ProsemiteUndercover: A Progressive Passover There's much more of interest. A chilling look at the underbelly of the loony left.

[h/t: Sophia]


This isn't a case of "the less said the better," but rather something that's been building and building over the past few years: increasingly blatant antisemitism on the left wing - including traditional memes such as conspiracy theories, supposed Jewish control of media, money, the government, the world, disloyalty of Americans - even including long time Senator Joe Lieberman, who was singled out for a nationally based campaign to unseat him although he'd clearly served his constituents well and in fact, handily defeated his opponent.

There has always been some of this on the American far Right and a tinge on the far Left going back to the very days of Marx himself - not surprising given that both Left and Right in Western politics emerged from the same cultural sphere. But for a little while at least, given the horrors of the Shoah, it wasn't polite to be too blatant about it.

Over the past few years I have watched with shock and horror, increasingly blatant attacks on the Jewish people. As a Democrat, left/liberal myself, I've always believed that our political philosophy stands firmly in defense of human and minority rights. Therefore it's all the more shocking to see judenhass in the very bastion of liberalism, even as attacks on Jews increase all over the world - even verbal attacks from East Asian politicians where no Jews live at all.

There seems to be very little historical sense as to why this is so dangerous among what are probably primarily young people posting on the left-leaning blogs. Obviously the neonazis are well aware of what they're doing. But what about ANSWER, what about other demonstrations of bigotry emerging on the Left, on college campuses, at "peace" demonstrations?

It baffles me that left/liberal Americans could support antisemitic groups, like we saw last summer during the war with Hezbollah. Groups like this were originally formed to fight the Left! Their philosophy is antiliberal, antiwestern, antiEnlightenment, antiAmerican - so how on earth can people like Galloway or Chomsky defend or even support them?

In any case I think the blogosphere is a place where people can be enlightened, make valuable connections, open doors around the world. But it's also a place where hatred flourishes and lies blossom.

It disturbs me that owners and administrators of political websites - especially left wing "progressive" sites - aren't fighting hard against bigotry, especially a form of bigotry that's cost the lives of millions of people over thousands of years: the pernicious illness of antisemitism.

Disclaimer: Sophia (aka Colorado Blue) is smearing DU because she was kicked off the site awhile back and her repeated pleas to be reinstated have been ignored.

And Sophia, how can you call yourself a liberal when you hang out at PU with kahanist scum and repost articles from littlegreenfootballs and atlas shrugs?

Is it actually possible to "smear" someone who recycles Nazi propaganda and makes it their own?

To Arik's Hamster:

Doesn't the SS signature on the poster kind of speak for itself? Or should I say smear for itself?

Arik's Hamster,

Maybe Sophia now finds that she is a liberal and not a progressive Leftist!

Welcome to the wonderful world of far left "progressive" politics, folks.

This is the land of wholesale smear jobs, personal attacks and outright lies - where the obvious - the celebration of Nazi propaganda - can be ignored or excused and even endorsed.

Why? Why is this? What is happening to our political landscape when such things are possible? What kind of hatred motivates assaults like this, assaults on decency, on the very fabric of American tolerance and respect for the individual, for minorities, for civility in our public discourse, for history itself?

What's the difference between this and the ugly politics of 1930's Europe? What on earth is "progressive" about this stuff?

And where exactly do you think this will lead? People MUST speak out about it even if others mock them for stating the obvious.

This is par for the course for the Left, especially the LibTards at DU.

They espouse socialist "values", and then accuse those of more reasonable positions of being Nazis.

No surprises here.


I used to wonder how people could just let it happen - just allow it to happen to them - the first time. We have even less excuse this time round. So as at long last my well of surprise runs dry and I face the fact it really is the Nazi party all over again all that is left to me is this question:

What are we going to do about it?

What Ms. Hamster won't tell you is she is the poster named Violet_Crumble at DU and her anti-Semitic feelings and hatred is well known. Place that in context when viewing her remarks.

I think "ariks hamster" is really Imam Oron.

To deny what Isreal is doing in Palestine, and the genocide in lebonan, is nodding with approval what the nazis did to the Jews.Carter is correct, as is Chomsky, and the others that look at the facts, then make a statement, not blinded by nationalism.The question is :is Israel a country, with a military, or is Israel a military with a country? The definition of aparthied fits the exclusion of the Palestinians, there's even a wall, try to deny that.The jews know all about genocide, yet they perform it with almost relish on others.The fascist poster , and it's removal is not new to me, as I have been banned from DU also, for stating the above facts.DU has a jewish cabal censoring it's content relating to Israel, but not anything else.You can call bush anything despicable, yet voice the truth on Israel, and you get banned immediately, no warning, just told you violated the rules.This shows clearly DU is a lopsided myopic jewish run site.When the truth is all too painful, like the nazis, you ban it.So much for a site that espouses Democracy, which if I remember rightly includes freedom of speech.

When e-coli-x shouts "genocide", he/she is acting the role of the "Boy That Cried Wolf".

When REAL genocide is happening, no one will believe you - but you would probably NEVER get worked up over REAL GENOCIDE because it would be against your true beliefs.

ISLAMOFASCIST driven Genocide is happening in Muslim Sudan against Christians and Animists - but you won't hear the "left", "progressives", Islamofascists, United Nations Human Rights Committee (which has Current Day Slaver Sudan on its board, sitting in judgemeent of Others) holding special sessions. Now THAT'S Crying Wolf.

E-Coli-X, have you seen the post in this blog titled "Hamas: The extermination of the Jews is good for the inhabitants of the world"?

In your book, is that a call for "genocide"??? I'm guessing not.

Anyhow how will you spend May 7th, the 62nd anniversary of the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of nazi Germany to the US, UK and Soviet Union?

Are you going to celebrate or shed a tear?

Tell me Mr. E-Coli, would this be the same Noam Chomsky who defended Pol Pot and wrote the forward for a book by a Holocaust denier?

And would your reference to Carter be the same Jimmy Carter that took money from some serious dubious people to bail out his peanut farm?

Wastreling intellects and morally insolvent wanna-bes. They are legion. A latter-day Cervantes would be needed to bring them before the proper tribunal, the tribunal of deeply telling irony and laughter.

And I thought DU was Depleted Uranium.

Sometimes they're the same.

Nothing wrong with repurposing nazi propaganda, only culturally ignorant halfwits would think there is. The irony is that the rest of the world think Americans are all facists, and their "freedom" is just enslavement to a bankrupt capitalist ideology.

I'd say that if the monster had a McDonalds, Starbucks and Hollywood sign, and then it would pretty much sum up how europe currently feels about AmeriKKKa. The Star of David should probably be photoshopped into a satanic pentagram, and the rest of the Village People sit along-side the red indian.

Eurabia is a lost cause. A new Dark Ages is descending on europe. Pity.

I hope the best and the brightest, which excludes the dhimmis and those infected with the progressively worsening mental illness, flee Eurabia and find a safe haven in the US, Australia, Canada.

George Orwell.

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