
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

David T has a drink with Gilad Atzmon, jazz sax player and darling of the radical British "anti-Zionist" Left, a man who believes, in effect, that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, forgery or not, are objectively accurate. Readers will recognize the themes in Atzmon's politics as traditionally anti-Semitic and finally Nazi -- the whole landless people and degenerate cultures business among other things (Ironically, the early Zionists recognized the problem of not having a conventional nation-state to represent the Jews, so they established one and were blamed for that as well.).

Some don't consider Atzmon a threat worth worrying overmuch over, others wouldn't have his records in their homes.

Sure it's a fringe, but it's influential.


The threat posed by Atzmon and his ilk is very worrying because of the incitement to violence on the campuses against Jews which while verbally targeting Israelis physically affected Jews in Britain.

A Swedish response to the noxious verbage put out by Judeosphere as well as Oliver Kamm bl...ist_in_swe.html
and his brain-dead foot soldier, David Adler ignorance-on-atzmon.html, regarding Gilad Atzmon’s appearance in Sweden:

David Adler says: In fact, a [fill in the blank] can be just as racist toward [fill in the blanks] as anyone else. The proof is all around us.

Yes indeed, David. A [fill in the blank: Jew/Jews in general and Zionists in particular] can be just as racist (as well as fascist) toward [fill in the blank: Goys? Muslims? Anyone who opposes their agenda?] as anyone else. The proof is all around us. And it makes me feel ashamed to be a Jew.

And you, David¸ who take your cue from the Oliver Kamms and the David Hershes of this world, are living proof of this phenomenon. Not one original idea in your head, and the people whose ideas you mouth are bloodthirsty supporters of a massive holocaust (let’s face it once and for all). You regard them as “war supporters” – what a nice clean clinical phrase when 24 million people have been wiped out in Iraq (yes indeed¸ by the sanctions¸ then the “war”(massacre) , and finally the remaining survivors die a slow death through DU poisoning), millions more in Afghanistan¸ and 60 years of brutal terrorism and ethnocide which continues in Palestine. And all being done for the sake of the chosen people. If you doubt that, may I refer you to Mearsheimer and Walt’s report from a year ago: s2=01

It makes me sick, I can tell you. I am ashamed to be Jewish when I see the tortures and outright murders, the collective punishment of entire nations being done in our name.

I am Swedish by birth and was in Sweden at the time of the conference. It was my good fortune to be able to attend it, and I can tell you that some of the speakers gave very moving speeches. The audience really HEARD what they had to say, and Atmon and Baroud particularly made many of us feel very deeply the weight of their words. Do yourself a favour and read what they actually had to say. Atzmon’s speech can be read at
http://peacepalestine.blogspot.c...m-guilt- to.html
Ramzy Baroud’s speech can be read here:
http://peacepalestine.blogspot.c...just- peace.html

You may also want to read what Baroud had to say afterwards on the fourth anniversay of the invasion of Iraq at s2=01.

This conference (to the consternation of some members of the Swedish Jewish community, who like you remain in a state of denial and ultimately projection) wasn’t about a Holocaust which happened 60 years ago, but rather a recognition of the horror of what is happening now, what has been happening for the last 60 years……..and this massive genocide involves a hell of a lot more people than the fabled six million.

Yes, and afterwards Atzmon was attacked as usual in the press, and the organisers were attacked for giving him a stage. But in the end all they managed to do was to give him and his ideas some massive publicity and now there are maybe half a million Swedes who are listening to him, and taking very seriously what he has to say. The Espressen newspaper which published the original attack on him ended up giving his response the entire page 4 of the newspaper, and there was a barrage of favorable comments afterwards from the Swedish public. You can read his response here (if you read Swedish):

This is his report-back in an article titled Ziotacticus Autisticus: A guide for the curious: tactics from Z to A (Zionists to Atzmon)¸ in which Atzmon rather humourously describes the tactic his detractors have been using for the ast few years, from smearing (lie you do) to death threats…
http:// peacepalestine.blogspot.c...autisticus.html
“…So far, Zionists have been far from being sophisticated, at least in my case. Although they were defeated in every battle they call upon me, they thought it was worth it to try their luck in the international front. Last week I gave a talk in a conference in Sweden. The conference was organised in part by the Social Democratic Party. The Zionist operators within the Swedish media thought that their golden opportunity to smash the ‘anti-Zionist Swedish political establishment had arrived’. “The Swedish left is sleeping with Anti-Semites” said two papers. Indeed, the Zionists have managed to shove their usual recycled filth into two major papers. However, two days later, these two papers ended up publishing my lengthy and detailed reply. While in the conference I was talking to 150 people who were more or less familiar with the subject and even with my thoughts, thanks to my new Swedish Zionist supporters, I have now happened to communicate with 600,000 Swedes who are probably misinformed about the Israeli Palestinian topic.

The development in Sweden didn’t take me by surprise, it was basically a repetition of a similar event that took place in the Guardian CIF just before last Christmas[3]. In the Guardian it was the Zionist smear operator David Hirsh of Engage[4] who opened the door for me and practically speaking, closed the door on himself. At the moment the Zionist smear operators do nothing but open doors for me and my ideas. I do not know how to thank my new ‘allies’ for their worldwide support. I would never have gotten that far without them. There is an old Jewish saying: ‘A Righteous task is done by others’. I don’t know whether I am indeed righteous but it seems as if at the moment it is the Zionists who carry my thoughts to the wide public. In Martial Arts you learn to use not primarily your own force but the weight of your opponent in order to bring him down. That is what I’m doing, and I can tell you, our enemy is heavy and sluggish.”

That is indeed a fact. David, you may as well face it – you are on the WRONG SIDE (the side of the Judeo-Nazis). And they are being beaten. Atzmon has a black belt it seems, not only in fighting the Zionist machine, but also in decency and compassion.

And though it pains me to say it, it is true to say that even Jews can be Nazis. If you support the current regime of Israel, you are one.

[3]Comment is Free: Atzmon responds to Hirsh

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racist comment above posted by wellknown fake'jewish' impersonator 'Jan Winburg', who's infested all forums pretending being a 'jew' to defame them.

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