
Monday, March 5, 2007

Pete Lowney, arrested for getting into a shoving match with a Lexington police officer, seen wearing a mask campaigning for Ron Francis's Somerville Divestment Project's efforts in that city, activist with Green-Rainbow Party ties, and just general gadfly and Boston "anti-Zionist" weirdo...has been called out by other members of the Boston "radical" community for being a bit too overt in his anti-Semitism. You see, distributing material actually written by David Duke is simply not subtle enough this crew -- or at least one member of it. At Boston's Indymedia:

Community Alert: Racist Anti-Semite Poses as Local Activist

In the past few days, it has become abundantly clear that what was thought by some to be the ignorant raving of a local anti-Semite is actually the spread of white supremacist propaganda.

Though he has been asked to stop posting on local radical email lists, Pete L (using the email address proudline (at) has continued to spread racist, anti-Semitic propaganda throughout the Boston community.

Pete L has gained infamy over the months for posing as a Palestinian solidarity activist who repeatedly equated Zionism to Judiasm. Countless individuals, many of them Jewish anarchists who oppose the Israeli occupation, have repeatedly pointed out the difference between the Zionist political movement and the Jewish religion and heritage. Despite this, Pete L continued to rail against Jews, making wild assertions about Jewish control over the United States government.

In the early hours of March 3, 2007, in response to Pete L's most recent email, an email went out drawing the connection between Pete L (or proudline (at) and David Duke, "onetime Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan,founder of the National Association for the Advancement of White People, and the The National Organization For European American Rights, and radio host and participant in the notorious Neo-Nazi site Stormfront". As the email points out, "THE ENTIRE POST (minus the graceful introduction) is a reprint of an article by none other than racist and white supremacist David Duke, with the name of the author deleted."...

And how dare he equate Zionism and Judaism! I'll let you unravel that bit yourselves.

Update: This post is better, with a better comment thread.


Why am I not surprised?

The true progressive Left better wake up. They (we) have been invaded by totalitarians from a Stalinist nightmare on the one hand and neonazis from the fringes of the right on the other.

There's absolute nothing progressive about either of these philosophies and the neonazi/KKK agenda is deeply, irrationally antisemitic - they're adopting a proPalestinian agenda for one reason and one reason only.

WAKE UP. We can argue for Palestinian and indeed, all human rights, only in the context of a philosophy which also accept the rights of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.

In a world where 1/3 of the UN member nations are Muslim and many others are de facto Christian - where many are guilty of horrendous internal and external human rights abuses and the entire Western Hemisphere is built on "stolen land," where huge Muslim empires took over enormous regions, why is Israel singled out for extinction?


Ask yourselves, my friends.

After screwing around with you Leftist Jews and getting nowhere for the last 40 years, do you suppose the Palestinians may finally have concluded that it's more productive to look elsewhere for support?

There has been no "progress" for Palestinians with the Progressives, only the same type of exploitation that former leftist, present Neo-Con David Horowitz offered the Black Panthers.

You're fucked. If I were you, I'd start looking at property in Haifa, because there isn't going to be anywhere else you can run in the next few years. You Jews are fresh out of allies.


People have been telling "you Jews" for thousands of years that we are going to be eliminated. We are still here.

I do recommend buying property in Haifa, though. It's a beautiful and amazing city, you should check it out.


It is not surprising to see the KKK/Neo-Nazis connected with Ron Francis and his hate group.

It's not surprising to see Socialists and Nazitional Socialists together again as they were in the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

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