
Thursday, February 15, 2007

The David Project is helping to spread the word on an upcoming event to educate and activate the community:

The shabbat of March 2-3, 2007 (the day before Purim) has being designated "Shabbat on the Iranian Threat" by the Emergency Committee on the Iranian Threat. The goal is to have every available rabbi in the United States speak about this grave and urgent threat by this date (although rabbis throughout the world are welcome to join our petition.). This particular shabbat was chosen based on its proximity to Purim, when a different Persian leader conspired to kill the Jews.

What can I do?
If your rabbi or community is interested in supporting this endeavor, please have them sign

If you are a rabbi
Please consider devoting at least part of your sermon, either friday night March 2 or Shabbat morning March 3, to educating your congregation on the Iranian threat. See our list of talking points for some points of discussion. Please sign our petition to show your public support, and email your colleagues.

If you are not a rabbi
Please contact your rabbi and ask him/her to participate (see our sample email. Keep in mind that although your rabbi may have heard about this from other sources, there's nothing as effective as requests from (multiple) congregants. Also, spread the word to all your family and friends (see our sample email).

If you are a hillel director
Please consider a program to educate your students about the Iranian threat, with the goal of having them set up relevant activities on campus.

If you have contacts with the press/media
Media coverage to educate the public about the Iranian threat is vital. This is an issue for American Jews and non-Jews alike, as well as the entire world.

If you can find Iranian Jews in or near your community, consider inviting them to speak. They understand the danger posed by the current Iranian regime, often from firsthand experience.

Please spread the word on this.

Charles Jacobs has written on the urgency of the message: It’s the 1930s for U.S. Jews (in full in the extended entry below)

Half the world’s Jews are in the crosshairs of the Persian anti-Semite soon to have a nuke. Like his German predecessor, Ahmadinejad has a plan to annihilate millions. This time every Jew on the planet knows it. This time, can they act to stop it?

American Jews, far less powerful in the 1930s than today, were late to use what little power they had to scream the world awake. Looking back, world Jewry adopted a motto that in part defines them against that failure: “Never Again.”

But “Again” now looms, and Jews here are about to relearn a lesson: to speak up has a cost. Experts say Americans are concerned about Iran, but when they about Iran from Jews, they become suspicious.

Anti-Zionist intellectuals have revived the “dual loyalty” accusation with a vengeance. The infamous Walt-Mearsheimer paper, soon to become a lucrative book, claims disproportionate Jewish influence over American foreign policy was used to the benefit of Israel and to the detriment of “real” American interests.

The accusation that Jews tricked America into the Iraq war for Israel’s sake is not new. “The Jews,” it will be added, now drive America to attack nuclear Iran. “The Jewish community is divided, but there is so much pressure from the New York money people to the office seekers," is how former general Wesley Clark put it.

The problem faced 65 years ago repeats: Will Jewry here risk its position to help Jews targeted for death overseas?

On moral grounds there is no question: Jews dare not be silent about the Iranian threat. But there is a practical issue that cannot be ignored. What if by raising their voices, Jews hurt this cause? Suppose people would become less convinced about Iran because it’s Jews who are protesting? A real predicament that Jews will have to overcome.

Surely there are non-Jews equally concerned about nuclearized Muslim messianics; Iran poses a threat not just to Israel but to all of the West.

But Bush-hatred and anger over the Iraq war drives so much of American politics. Never mind that Israelis, focused for a decade on Iran, warned America about the negative consequences of attacking Iraq. Facts don’t matter. Everything Bush believes will be contested whether it’s “Iran is lethal” or “the Earth is round.”

Irrationality reigns. The only folks likely to scream along with the Jews about Iran are Republicans, neo-cons, Evangelicals and conservatives: The same groups that evoke hatred in America’s opinion elite. Even if Jews join a coalition of the rationally fearful, the cry will not fade that “the Jews” push for war with Iran.

Meanwhile in Boston, “The Emergency Committee on the Iranian Threat,” launched a Web campaign: Shabbat on the Iranian Threat. They call on American rabbis to speak about Iran to their congregations on the days before Purim (March 2-3), the Jewish holiday celebrating the escape by Persian Jewry from annihilation by another Persian leader centuries ago.

Bring two gregors (noise makers).

1 Comment

I think it is crucial to recognize the grave and immediate threat posed by a nuclear Iran. We've had 60 years of Holocaust education training us "never again" ... let's hope we learned something.

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