
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

From Cox & Forkum, of course.

Damn, I shoveled my entire driveway four times today. Good exercise, I suppose. I've also been tinkering a bit with the blog -- note the "Share This" link on each entry. It allows one-click access (actually, two-clicks) to posting a link to an entry on pretty much all the social sharing networks out there, though I'll still keep the Digg,, and Facebook (also new) links for direct access and since the use of the "Share This" thing isn't obvious. You can also now click a box to subscribe to comment threads and get email notice of new comments -- find that on each entry as well. I also added a few more of those "look what people said about me" quotes over there on the right, and there are two random lists of them.

And say, did you know you can vote once a week, for both a Republican and Democrat candidate on the PJ Media widget? Don't worry if you're not sure if you voted this week, it won't let you vote more than once.

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