
Sunday, February 11, 2007

By now you've read about the assault on Elie Wiesel in a San Francisco hotel. Thoughts by Steve points out that the comments to the SF Chronicle story are a show in themselves.

Steve has the comments cut and pasted in case they disappear from the Chron site. A sample:

...Dear news reporters & readers,

I happen to be a Jewish-heritage daughter of two Holocaust survivor parents.

I also happen to have a well-informed, actively thinking and aware brain. Therefore, it is blatantly
obvious that the supposed recent hotel incident (from one week ago) involving Elie Wiesel is clearly a STAGED Zionist disinfo. media/P.R. stunt.

Here's the general modus operandi:
The ADL and/or affiliated groups set up/
essentially fabricate a fake hate-spewing website
(ie. a counterintelligence/'agent provocateur' operation). Then a shill associated with this hoax operation stages a media/P.R.-generating
incident with the underlying purpose of discrediting anyone who questions any aspect of the rabidly ethnocentric Zionist agenda or the 'Holocaust Industry' deluge of propaganda.

Good for the Chron for calling the web site (Ziopedia) what it is -- anti-Semitic, not anti-Zionist (like I should have to give congratulations for such a thing...but there we are).

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