
Monday, January 29, 2007

Preparing the people for peace on Palestinian Authority Television:

PMW: PA TV Movie: Israeli soldiers murder bound Egyptian prisoners

Palestinian Authority (PA) TV broadcast yesterday an Egyptian movie with staged scenes of Israeli soldiers shooting and murdering dozens of bound Egyptian prisoners
pmwcaptives1.jpg pmwcaptives2.jpg

PA TV has broadcast many programs and videos that promote hatred of Israel through libelous accusations and depictions of Israelis as cold-blooded murderers.

To see this video click here.


What the heck is that "Israeli soldier" carrying? It looks like a WWII-era Sten gun.

That's Dylan gone gangsta.

Okay, now I've seen the thing. Believe me, it's not worth the celluloid it's printed on.

Is this supposed to be a circa-1948 film clip? That would explain the antique weapon... except that the "Israeli officer" (who wears no rank insignia, by the way) is wearing a uniform blouse with the Zahal tag, which did not go into common use until 1973.

It looks to me as though the weapon isn't even being fired. No muzzle blast, no recoil, no ejected shell casings, nothing. Have the producers of this piece of garbage never watched "The A-Team"?

Oh, and to the extent that Israeli soldiers salute, they do NOT salute like that. Nor have I ever seen that "thumbs-down" gesture from an Israeli soldier, ever. I don't know what the "soldiers" are saying (translated as "on your knees") -- it is not Hebrew -- but it's not in an Israeli accent, either.

One last thing. Whose bedsheet did they borrow to make that flag, and which five-year-old was responsible for painting it?

I have a difficult time imagining that PALESTINIANS would take this nonsense seriously. They know what Israeli soldiers look like, and they know about weapons.

Sheesh. Is this the best they can do?

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