
Thursday, January 25, 2007

No one, apparently.

When is enough enough? Lynn B. has a look at a particular "Progressive Zionist" organization's idea of "supporting" Israel on campus and laments the fact that a lot of otherwise sensible groups are either unable or unwilling to do anything about it. Maddening: Support Hillel much? Lynn quotes the ZOA:

...The ICC is a pro-Israel umbrella group whose mission is to "foster support for Israel on campus," promote "Israel advocacy," and "counter the worrisome rise of anti-Israel activities on college campuses." In December 2006, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), a member of the ICC, expressed concern that the Union of Progressive Zionists (UPZ), another ICC member, has been sponsoring a program on campuses that harshly and falsely criticizes Israel for human rights abuses against the Palestinian Arabs. The UPZ-sponsored program - called "Breaking the Silence" - omits historical facts, provides no balance or context, and promotes outright falsehoods about Israel. The ZOA acknowledged the UPZ's general right to promote this hateful program, but not as a member of the ICC, which was set up to build support for Israel and reduce anti-Israel intimidation and harassment on college campuses...

Read the rest.


So, in your eyes, only a Likudnik organization can be considered 'pro-Israel', while an organization allied with Meretz is 'anti-Israel' ?

I couldn't care less about what Israeli political party they feel tied to. A group that lies, demonizes, and contributes to the already pervasive atmosphere of delegitimization Israel and its supporters already suffer from on college campuses is clearly beyond any rational interpretation of what a "pro-Israel" umbrella group must have been founded to include. I feel quite certain of that. It looks to me like some people are working at cross-purposes.

I hold out the possibility that there's some bit of data here that's missing that explains why the other named groups didn't vote to remove the UPZ, however. There must be some reasonable explanation...I would hope.

Since the term "Left" has aquired a negative reputation, "Progressive" has become fashionable.

The term "Progressive" is related to any other "Disease" that gets progressively worse over time.

Sort of like a progressively degenerative disease, a Progressive Blindness or Progressive Mental Illness.

"... while an organization allied with Meretz is 'anti-Israel' ?"

Not necessarily so, but certainly blind to reality.
Mr. Beilin has still not woken up to the failure of Oslo, that Abbas is playing the same game of Taqiyya as Arafat and that the Islamists, Hamas and Al Aqsa, call the tune. He, like the State Department, has not "perceived" the game Egypt has been playing all along by being "blind" to the arms and weapons smuggling tunnels and the movement of Hezbollah and other operatives across the border into and out of Gaza.
By the way those IEDs and shaped charges now being used to such bloody effect in Iraq were R&Ded in Gaza using Israeli tanks as targets.
As Nasrallah and ilk have said on several occasions, the West and Israel have nothing to offer except their demise.
By the way Iran uses the Palestinians as an excuse for its hegemony. They are only too willing to commit millions of them and others to martyrdom.

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