
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Charles has the video here (digs), the press release from the Kerry people here (adds explosives to pit and ignites), and his reaction to Kerry's press conference here (hits magma and induces China syndrome). That's about all you need to know. You know the saddest part? John Kerry will run effectively unopposed in Massachusetts as long as he wants the job. What a sham politics in this state are.

Michelle Malkin has a series of posts with lots of interesting reader mail, here, here, here, and here.

Kerry is trying to say that he was talking about the President, not the know what, he may have been, but the fact is, he screwed up his statement...just admit it and apologize. The GOP didn't screw up the line, and they didn't put out that nutty press release. Jenjis Kerry would never insult the troops? His history says otherwise.

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