
Saturday, October 14, 2006

This is a photo of 17 year old Buddhist nun Kelsang Namtso, dead in the snow of Tibet, shot down by the Chinese:

China is the world's largest open air prison. More on the story behind the photo at PJM, here: HUNTING HUMANS--Plight Of Tibetans Not Covered By MSM, at Agam's Gecko, here: Tibetan Survivors Of Chinese Assault Reach Kathmandu and here: First Photos Of Nanagpa La Atrocity, and with video: China Claims Self-Defense - New Video Proves Otherwise.

From the PJM entry:

...The slaughter is allegedly far from the first one, but the climbers say that the “big expedition outfitters like HiMex, Jagged Globe, Adventure Consultants or Alpine Ascents will never speak about [the shootings]. Otherwise they will be banned from the Tibetan side of the Himalayas.”

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