
Monday, September 11, 2006

Yes, I was one of those protesting the Kennedy School of Government's hosting of Mohammed Khatami yesterday. There have been several other bloggers reporting on the event, so I'll just confine myself to posting some interesting photos and video from the event. Other bloggers with reports are: Publius Pundit, Chicago Boyz, Miss Kelly, Technicalities and JR Telegraph. The video of Khatami's talk is here.

Here are some videos for you to start. First, talk radio guy Michael Graham (link goes to Michael's essay on the day) addressed the crowd. Video by our friend Seva Brodsky (misses the first few seconds of the speech):

What's a protest without terror-supporting Green-Rainbow Party officers? David Rolde (video by Seva -- don't miss this one):

This lone crazy guy was the most interesting character there (don't miss this one, either -- by the way, here and here are background on the UN's Durban Racism Conference he's talking about):

A sign carrying friend:

A speaker:


A Lord of Kobol:

A kaffiyeh-clad, swastika pinwheel (I'm serious, it spun):



Great photos! Especially the one showing all those cool signs made by the guy from Adobe Photoshop, hehe. Thanks for the video from the Durban (not Dick Durbin) guy. We should all pay more attention to Muhammed Ali.

Does this guy from the Green-Rainbow Party know that homosexual are executed in Iran for being homosexual? Maybe Mr. Green-Rainbow Party should be given a one-way ticket to Iran and find out what happens to him.

Thank you for these excellent photographs! Thank you for going to this protest. And Michael Graham is fantastic!

The very last picture of the nut you caught on video... I feel sorry for his dog. It looks like a nice dog!

Good jon. Thanks for the update.

I meant job, of course. Sheesh!

Yeah Babs, a lot of people were commenting on the poor dog. I suspect the guy was a Secret Service plant.

OK -
The fat guy in video 2 with the Elma Fud lisp is a dead ringer for Principal Anderson in Billy Madison.
Josh Mostel, who is apparently Zero Mostel's son.
No more comment necessary on that bozo.

Speaking of Billy Madison Brigitte Wilson was/is hot!

Shame on State Dept for issuing visa to this murderer. I wish I were there to join the anti-mullahs protests. But thanks for doing so any ways.

Good Day!

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