
Thursday, September 7, 2006

Richard Landes has begun his series of posts that will take us up to the trials involving France2's coverage of the Muhammed al Durah affair. He will be appearing at the trials in person and is now writing to bring everyone up to speed on the issues. This is must-read stuff, and a situation where the blogosphere may be able to have a real effect on the MSM, and blog readers can be a step way ahead of the average information consumer in the "understanding your reality" sweepstakes.

We the people need to find a way to force France2 to release their rushes (unedited complete video) of the incident.

The Al Durah Trials: Portrait of French Culture at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Al Durah Affair I: France2 Rushes by Talal Abu Rahmeh

No Blood? We’ve Got Some

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