
Friday, August 25, 2006

Volokh's David Bernstein has a good one reposted at OpinionJournal: Unasked Questions

...One's liberal, progressive or libertarian hackles can easily be raised at Israel's citizenship policies. Why should ethnic background entitle one to citizenship? On the other hand, Israel's defenders would argue that given that the Jews have been the subject of massive state and private violence over the past few centuries, including one attempted genocide (by Hitler) and another one that was averted only by Stalin's timely death, Jews need a homeland/refuge where they can go with automatic citizenship rights.

Whatever side you take on that debate, the more interesting question is why the question of basing citizenship (in part) of ethnic descent only calls the right of Israel to exist into question.

My correspondent was unaware of any other countries that have an overt ethnic identity, but, judging by immigration laws, there are quite a few, and with a few exceptions (Armenia and Germany), their discriminatory immigration policies exist, unlike Israel's, without any justification resulting from persecution of that group.

For example, according to Wikipedia: "Japanese citizenship is conferred jus sanguinis, and monolingual Japanese-speaking minorities often reside in Japan for generations under permanent residency status without acquiring citizenship in their country of birth." Why does Japan have the right to exist as a Japanese state? Has this question ever been asked?...


Sol -

You know who the guy to go to with this article is. Jonathan - Head Heeb. In fact to add to that, I remember a post he had on Malaysia how there are Chinese workers there in factory and white class jobs that make that economy run for generations, yet they are not citizens - are descriminated against by the gov't and resented by the population as well.
And yet the Malays are either incapable from a work ethic and/or mental ability standpoint to do the jobs the Chinese immigrant community does.

The Ari Fleischer letter to Carter you didn't think was cool and worth posting?


The Heeb did a post just like this not too long ago that I linked to.

The Fleischer thing is cool and worth posting. Getting to it now...

Headheeb linked to this article or 1 similar to it? Do you have a link to that post?

Like to see what his analysis of this article is. He generally won't let an article like this pass unless it 'cuts the mustard', per say.... like when I used the Cyprus comparison he didn't let it fly.

Also read 2 other articles I want to post when I get the chance. Haaretz interviewed a leftist general who is critical of Israel but basically says it doesn't matter what Israel does the problem is the mentality of the Arab world - always the victim - everyone else is to blame for their problems/misery - rejection of Israel... I believe he's even hard on Abbas.

Then read another 1 in Haaretz maybe from your link? where a General says Israel wasn't too surprised by Hezbollah.

Re this article -
I believe he's partially wrong about military service - it is not compulsory for Arabs but many Bedouin - Druze and Arab Christians? do in fact serve and often in elite units. You and Jonathan would likely know more about that than me but surprising that he erred there.

Here's the Heeb's post:

I don't know about conscription (which is what Bernstein references) specifically. Could probably be googled up , though.

Thanks for the link, vaguely remember that post but will read through it fully this time.

I know for a fact that Bedouin and Druze serve, though they are not obligate to as Israeli Jewish citizens and in fact many are top soldiers and trackers.... which from reading Totten's latest post on Peace Now - many WBank "settlers" are as well.... So just like the US - the secular middle class (NYC-Manhattan-&- Tel Aviv) and up barely serve while the South (very similar to the West Bank population) and minorities are highly repped.

Ethnic Koreans living in Japan are discriminated against.

Only Muslims can become citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan was carved out of India to create ANOTHER Muslim majority state.

Muslim countries which treat Muslim women like LEPERS, Untouchables, have a lousy track record treating minorities with respect.

Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia are beaten and murdered at the urging of Muslim "religious leaders".

The Muslim world is still in the seventh century.

God save the World from "peaceful islam".

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