
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Michael Graham's effort to get rid of Pike Chairman Matt Amorello have taken shape: Tell Matt Amorello "It's Time To Bolt!"

Despite flooding, falling debris and a fatality all on his watch, Matt Amorello still refuses to resign. Instead, he's playing rope-a-dope, hoping that after the outrage fades, he'll still be clinging to his job like the clueless sycophant that he is.

Well, if Matt Amorello can't take a hint, then it's up to us to send him a clear message: "It's Time To Bolt!"

That's why I'm asking you to grab a bolt out of your toolbox or utility closet--perhaps like the one in this photo from the Big Dig--drop it in an envelope, write "Matt, It's Time To Bolt!" and send it to The Chairman's office at the Turnpike Authority...

Address and more at the link.


How long has the Big Dig been going on? I read about it in the 90's. It's still not finished?

Can out-of-staters sign the petiton? Trying to help you guys out.

Oh it's "finished" alright. It just keeps falling apart. The definition of the job that never gets killed -- a contractor's dream.

Anyone can mail Matt a bolt. After all,you helped pay for it with your federal taxes.

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