
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Meet the former Ambassador to Vienna, Austria, Ghazi Hussein. Imagine if an Israeli or American diplomat were to say these things? Imagine if Arab diplomats were held to the same civilized standards that Westerners are held to...

MEMRITV: Former PLO Ambassador to Vienna Ghazi Hussein on the Holocaust, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Rule of the World

...Judaism divides the world into Jews and non-Jews. Judaism is hostile towards Christianity and Islam. In accordance with the resolution of the Zionist Congress conventions, including the secret resolutions of the first Zionist Congress, which some call "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion," they want to spread internal strife in all countries, and to generate disorder and unrest, so that ultimately, they will rule the world.

I call dibs on Australia.


"I call dibs on Australia."

Ha! I challenge you to a game of Risk! My troops will occupy South America, and Africa and North America will soon follow!

Wait a minute. Isn't it the Islamists who divide the world into two zones: the dar al-Hab (or House of War) for non-Muslim regions of the world and dar ul-Islam (or House of Peace) for Islamic countries?

This sounds like a classic case of projection. They claim to describe us Jews, but they're really revealing their own way of thinking.

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