
Friday, June 23, 2006

The Wiesenthal Center has taken note of the PC(USA)'s declaration of suicide bombing as a crime against humanity. Sad it is that the obvious should need to be spelled out, but the import of this resolution on the part of the Presbyterian Church cannot be understated: Wiesenthal Center; Presbyterian Church's Resolution Declaring Suicide Bombing 'Crime Against Humanity' Boosts International Campaign To Curb Scourge Of 21st Century

The Simon Wiesenthal Center described the adoption by the U.S. Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) National Assembly of a resolution confirming any suicide bombing, 'a crime against humanity,' - "A significant step forward in the campaign to curb what has emerged as terrorists' most deadly tool of mass terror and murder."

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Wiesenthal Center said, "If this resolution were adopted by the international community it would create a legal tool to go after those who incite, plan, and abet such activity. It would further empower victims and their families to take legal action against the food chain of terrorism."

"The Wiesenthal Center calls on all churches and NGOs to follow PCUSA's lead and work together for the adoption of this important initiative," concluded Cooper.

Rabbi Cooper, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, the Center's Director of Interfaith Affairs and Dr. Judea Pearl, father of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal writer murdered by jihadists in Pakistan attended the PCUSA National Assembly to urge that anti-Israel divestment resolution be rescinded. It was replaced by resolution calling for proactive actions to benefit both Palestinians and Israelis.

Since 2003, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has spearheaded a campaign to have suicide bombings declared a 'Crime Against Humanity.' The goal of the campaign is to create a legal tool for victims to go after sponsors and those who inspire this deadly culture of mass murder worldwide. To this end, Center officials have brought the initiative to European Union head Javier Solana; His Holiness, the late Pope John Paul II; Turkish Foreign Minister Abdallah Gul; former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and diplomats from 20 other countries...

Update: More praise: The Coalition for Responsible Peace in the Middle East commends the Presbyterian Church (USA) for Overturning Divestment and for Declaring Suicide Bombing a Crime Against Humanity

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