
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The latest from Palestinian Media Watch:

PA cartoon depicts Palestinian child urinating on Statue of Liberty Background Brief: Denigrating Statue of Liberty in PA Cartoons
By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

This current issue of the Hamas weekly has a cartoon of a Palestinian child urinating on the Statue of Liberty, which is holding a book labelled "Democracy". This expression of utter disdain for the US and its democracy follows other recent slurs in the PA media. For example, the West was condemned in March at a Palestinian rally:

[Al-Risala May 25, 2006, book: "Democracy"]

"for many years of trying to penetrate Islamic youth with dubious things such as the ideas of democracy."

[Al Hayat Al Jadida, March 4, 2006]

Background Brief: Denigrating the Statue of Liberty in PA Cartoons:

Visual and verbal attacks on US symbols are standard components of Palestinian Authority hate incitement, and the Statue of Liberty is a symbol that has been mocked and denigrated in PA cartoons for years.

Palestinian cartoons of the Statue of Liberty, include [see visuals below] :

Palestinian child urinating on the Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty as a suicide terrorist
The Statue of Liberty's torch igniting the world's fires
The Statue of Liberty as a prostitute
The Statue of Liberty being imprisoned by the FBI and CIA
The Statue of Liberty as an evil Condoleezza Rice, representing Israel
The Statue of Liberty destroyed with Superman at the "Gates of Baghdad"
The Statue of Liberty symbol as a heroic Palestinian woman. However, instead of representing freedom, the defiant Palestinian Statue represents violence and terror, wears a crown of machines guns and holds an infant grasping a stone.

It should be noted that except for this week's Hamas cartoon, all the previous cartoons denigrating the US symbol of freedom were in newspapers controlled by Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party.

The rest may be viewed at PMW's site.

1 Comment

So, that's what they think about liberty!

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