
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Here's the latest from Palestinian Media Watch (in full -- not yet online):

US, Britain and Israel "murder" children - in surreal PA TV hate video
By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

PA TV broadcast yesterday a 15-minute video compilation of bizarre and symbolic scenes, conveying the message that US, British and Israeli missiles are killing Arab children. The children are portrayed by numerous dismembered and partially buried dolls, while US, British and Israeli flags are shaped as missiles. This video was produced in Egypt.

Promoting hatred of the US and Britain along with hatred of Israel remains a common message of PA leadership through its media. The US and Britain are depicted as the driving forces of imperialism in the world. The following are two recent examples among many:

"During the march of solidarity with the Iraqi people and its president Saddam Hussein… pictures of the Martyrs Saddam and his two sons were held next to the picture of the eternal Martyr, Yassir Arafat, to repeated calls condemning the oppressive trial of Saddam Hussein, and calling on the Iraqi people not to be drawn by the schemes of America and Britain, to ignite a civil war…" [Al Hayat Al Jadida, April 5, 2006]

"The murderous American grindstone revolves, grinding our children's bones, and plundering their eyes. Not Israel! There is nothing called Israel. It is America who is recreating on us, the Arabs, the tragedy of the [American] Indians, by which [America] initiated the first racial genocide." [Al Hayat Al Jadida, April 5, 2006]

1 Comment

"The children are portrayed by numerous dismembered and partially buried dolls, while US, British and Israeli flags are shaped as missiles."

I assume they could not find any real pictures for some reason?

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