
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

According to Khaled Abu Toameh at the JPost:

The Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah, on Monday threatened to strike at US and European interests in response to international sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.

The threat, the first of its kind, came as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was scheduled to hold talks in Moscow with President Vladimir Putin on the severe financial crisis in the PA territories. Moreover, the threat by Abbas's Fatah party came as Palestinians marked the 58th anniversary of the nakba, or catastrophe (the secular anniversary of Israel's independence).

"We won't remain idle in the face of the siege imposed on the Palestinian people by Israel, the US and other countries," said a leaflet issued by the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in the Gaza Strip. "We will strike at the economic and civilian interests of these countries, here and abroad."

The leaflet added: "Let the entire world know that we won't succumb in the face of the policy of blackmail, siege and starvation. In the past we did not capitulate in the face of the policy of assassinations, detentions and air raids."...

Attacking Americans on American soil would be a mistake...I think and hope... (I think we tend to be able to find more ready excuses for Americans killed abroad), but I'm sorry to say I think they'd have a winning formula if they started attacking European targets. Europeans have had a long history of capitulating to such threats, and of course, the more depraved the Palestinian attack, the more sympathy they seem to engender.

From Aaron Klein's, Striking Back : The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and Israel's Deadly Response [emphasis mine][p.177]:

A survey conducted by the Israeli Foreign Ministry found that 204 terrorists were convicted of terror-related felonies in countries outside the Middle East between 1968 and 1975; by late 1975, only three remained behind bars.

Do you think anything's changed since the 1970's? No way. It's only gotten worse with more internal pressure to capitulate faster.

And, of course, note the de rigeur threat by Palestinian Arabs to shoot themselves if they're not given what they want:

...Another armed group affiliated with Fatah, the Abu Rish Brigades, threatened to launch a new intifada unless the international community agreed to fund the PA. "This will be a merciless intifada that will destroy everything," said Abu Haroon, a spokesman for the group in the Gaza Strip.

"We will plan and carry out more martyrdom attacks inside the Green Line regardless of the price and effort," he warned. "Those who are imposing the sanctions on the Palestinians will soon regret their decision."...

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