
Saturday, April 1, 2006

Considering what's finally coming out, I'm glad I held off posting anything about Jill Carroll. It's very tempting in the blogosphere to be first on the spot with the outrage, and I've erred on both sides -- both posting a strident opinion too quickly, and holding off too long when I probably should have gone for it. This time I'm glad I waited and I'm also glad that from the sounds of it, Carroll is not another CPT'r. I hope her statements continue to keep her firmly on that side of the line.

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» Suspicion (FURTHER UPDATED) at the blog All Things Beautiful

UPDATE IX: The London Telegraph attacks the right wing Blogosphere in a major way....Embittered', the ever hateful and bitter Mahablog, who cannot string two words together without spitting out venom, who calls me "ever-brainless" and a "dimwitt" Read More


Sorry, what is a CPT'r?

Sorry, what is a CPT'r?

Christian Peacemaking Team'r -- the guys who blamed the coalition more than they blamed the people who kidnapped them (and murdered one of them) after their release.

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